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Frigates are the smallest and fastest ships in Eve. New pilots begin by flying frigates, and the Tech 1 frigates only cost a few hundred thousand ISK. Don't be fooled by the low cost of frigates and the fact that they're used by novice pilots, though: frigates can play an important role in battle, and in numbers or with skilled pilots even Tech 1 frigates can be deadly.
There are a number of classes of Tech 2 frigates, which have advanced abilities and are also much more focused on a particular role: tackling interceptors, cloaking and scanning covert ops frigates, surprise-attack stealth bombers, electronic attack ships for electronic warfare, and assault ships, which are designed purely to deal and survive damage.
== T1 Frigates ==
== T1 Frigates ==
In pvp tech 1 frigates will generally just be tacklers, with a point, web, speed mod, overdrives etc in lowslots & midslots, irrelevant dps or nos etc in highslots. The notable exception is the [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Rifter Rifter], which is one of the best combat T1 frigates, possibly ''the'' best. In a dogfighting fit with autocannons, afterburner, web and scram, it can take on most other frigs, and even some larger targets, and win (watch out for the Taranis (the Gallente combat interceptor) and all the assault frigates though). The Punisher and Incursus are the Amarr and Gallente equivalents, but they don't quite reach the level of the Rifter.
Besides shuttles and rookie ships, each race has six frigates which can be (unofficially) sorted by their roles.
In fleet PvP Tech 1 frigates are generally used for tackling or electronic warfare, two roles in which they can have a significant impact. Tech 1 frigates are also flown for solo pvp: their speed and small size helps solo pilots to pick their targets, and their low cost makes them comfortably expendable. The Minmatar Rifter is particularly common, because it is one of the best combat T1 frigates, possibly ''the'' best. In a dogfighting fit with autocannons, afterburner, web and scram, it can take on most other frigates, and even some larger targets, and win. The Punisher and Incursus are the Amarr and Gallente equivalents, but they don't quite reach the level of the Rifter, which has earned a reputation as "Eve's AK47".
In PvE frigates are used to complete Level 1 missions, though once new pilots are a little wealthier and better-trained they often begin to use [[Destroyer|destroyers]] instead.
=== Shuttles ===
=== Shuttles ===
Shuttles are designed to provide a cheap and fast way to travel between systems. They are cheap to construct and buy off the market, owing to the lack of fitting slots for modules and their limited cargo space, but they move rather fast for their price, thus making them an excellent choice for travel. While shuttles have been known to be used in the role of scout or survey ships, their most common use is as intermediary travel in order to pick up other, more expensive ships.
Shuttles are a cheap and fast way to travel between systems. They are cheap to construct and buy off the market and they move fast for their price, thus making them an excellent choice for travel. While shuttles have been known to be used as scout or survey ships, their most common use is as intermediary travel in order to pick up other, more expensive ships. They have very limited cargo space and cannot fit any modules.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Amarr_shuttle Amarr Shuttle]
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/en/wiki/Amarr_shuttle Amarr Shuttle]
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=== Rookie Frigates ===
=== Rookie Frigates ===
Little more than armed shuttles, rookie ships are the basic tech I frigates that new pilots start with, and that are given free of charge to any pilot who docks his pod at a station he has no ships at.  
Little more than slower, armed shuttles, rookie ships (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new noobship (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser and one unit of Tritanium) for free by docking your pod in a station where you don't already have any ships. On their own these are not much use for anything other than basic errand-running. Eve University has, however, been known to field fleets composed entirely of noobships, more for their comedy value than for their effectiveness in battle.
All four rookie ships can carry at least one light drone in their dronebay. The Gallente Velator can carry two.
* Impairor (Amarr)
* Impairor (Amarr)
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=== Mining ===
=== Mining ===
Mining frigates all have bonuses geared toward mining. While they're a great start for any would-be miner, they are notoriously bad in combat situations.
Mining frigates all have bonuses for mining. While they're a great start for any would-be miner, they are notoriously bad in combat situations.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Tormentor Tormentor] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Tormentor Tormentor] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Bantam Bantam] (Caldari)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Bantam Bantam] (Caldari)
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=== Electronic Warfare ===
=== Electronic Warfare ===
Electronic Warfare frigates all have bonuses to [[EW]] modules, such as the [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Target_Painter_I Target Painter], [[EWar_101_Guide|ECM]] modules, [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Remote_Sensor_Dampener_I Remote Sensor Damper] and [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Tracking_Disruptor_I Tracking Disruptor]. In a small pack mixed with some damage-dealing ships, they can be formidable.
Electronic Warfare frigates all have bonuses to [[EWar 101 Guide|electronic warfare]] modules, such as [[EWar 101 Guide#Target Painting .28TP.29|target painters]], [[EWar_101_Guide#Electronic Counter Measures .28ECM.29|ECM jammers]], [[EWar 101 Guide#Remote Sensor Dampening .28damps.2C RSD.29|remote sensor dampeners]] and [[EWar 101 Guide#Tracking Disruption .28TD.29|tracking disruptors]]. Electronic warfare frigates can be a helpful force multiplier for a fleet that also has some damage-dealing ships, and they are one of the ships that new pilots can usefully fly in an Eve University wartime fleet.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Crucifier Crucifier] (Amarr)Tracking disruption/EWAR support.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Crucifier Crucifier] (Amarr, tracking disruption)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Griffin Griffin] (Caldari) ECM.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Griffin Griffin] (Caldari, ECM jamming)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Maulus Maulus] (Gallente) Dampeners/EWAR support.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Maulus Maulus] (Gallente, remote sensor dampening)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Vigil Vigil] (Minmatar) Target painter.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Vigil Vigil] (Minmatar, target painting)
=== Exploration ===
=== Exploration ===
Geared toward exploration, the 'Exploration' class of T1 Frigates all have bonuses to help pilots scan with probes. Fitted with a Core Probe launcher, they can make a good cheap alternative to the Tech 2 [[Covert Ops]] variants.
The Tech 1 exploration frigates all have bonuses to help pilots scan for PvE exploration sites or for PvP enemies with probes. Fitted with a Core Probe Launcher, they can make a good cheap alternative to their advanced Tech 2 [[Frigate#Covert Ops]] equivalents.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Magnate Magnate] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Magnate Magnate] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Heron Heron] (Caldari)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Heron Heron] (Caldari)
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* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Probe Probe] (Minmatar)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Probe Probe] (Minmatar)
=== Tackler ===
=== Fast Frigates ===
[[Tackle|Tackler]] frigates, often called 'Fast Frigates', are built to align and accelerate quickly. This makes them ideal as platforms for tackling larger vessels, as they can reach them and use relevant modules a great deal faster than most. These ships are also ideal for fast travel or small cargo runs and they make a great alternative to a shuttle, especially in losec or during wars, as they can typically enter warp from cloak before the enemy can lock them.
These ships are built to align and accelerate quickly. They can catch up to larger ships and use tackling modules on them very fast, and are the base hulls for each race's Tech 2 interceptors ([[Frigate#Interceptors|see below]]). They are ideal for fast travel or small cargo runs and they make a great alternative to a shuttle, especially in lowsec or during wartime, as they can typically enter warp from cloak before the enemy can lock them.
The Amarr Executioner can more or less tackle, and the Gallente Incursus is a capable fleet tackler.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Executioner Executioner] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Executioner Executioner] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Condor Condor] (Caldari)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Condor Condor] (Caldari)
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=== Damage Dealer ===
=== Damage Dealer ===
Damage Dealer frigates are typically split into two sub categories, Launcher and Turret, as they have slightly different focuses. In general, they tend to have the ability to take a little more damage than their counterparts and deal out a little more damage in return, but they are little match for a larger ship when alone. Interestingly, the Gallente have two turret-focussed ships, as they do not tend to use missiles - although the Tristan can fit launchers, it receives no bonus for them.
Damage-dealing frigates are typically split into two sub categories, those which use [[Missile Launchers|missile launchers]] and those which use gun turrets. In general, they tend to have the ability to take a little more damage than and deal out a little more damage than other frigates. The Gallente have two turret ships, as they do not tend to use missiles - although the Tristan can fit launchers, it receives no bonus for them.
The Caldari Merlin and Minmatar Rifter can be good fleet tacklers. The Punisher can tackle in a pinch.
==== Launcher ====
==== Launcher ====
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Inquisitor Inquisitor] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Inquisitor Inquisitor] (Amarr)
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== T2 Frigates ==
== T2 Frigates ==
=== Interceptors ===
=== Interceptors ===
These are the primary tacklers in anything but 0.0 (where dictors and hics take over). They have the highest scan resolution of any class, and only the Vigil (the Minmatar electronic warfare frigate) can match their sub-warp speed. Their main purpose is tackling, and that's what they do best, but many interceptors can also be refit to be effective combat ships in an interceptor only gang. Their firepower and tank will be low compared to other types of ships, but they have the advantage of very high speed (even when tank & gank fitted) and awesome agility.
These are the primary tacklers everywhere but nullsec(where [[Destroyer#Interdictors|interdictors]] and [[Cruiser#Heavy Interdictors|HICs]] take over). They have the highest scan resolution of any ship class, and only the Vigil (the Minmatar electronic warfare frigate) can match their sub-warp speed. While their main purpose is tackling, many interceptors can also be fitted to be effective combat ships. Their firepower and tank will be low compared to other ships, but they have the advantage of very high speed (even when combat fitted) and awesome agility.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Claw Claw]: Fastest Interceptor, decent dogfighter.
Each race has two interceptors, one designed purely for tackling, with a bonus to the range of tackling modules, and the other designed more for damage-dealing.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Stiletto Siletto]: Perhaps the best tackle interceptor due to slot layout.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Taranis Taranis]: Slower Interceptor, one of the best dogfighting frigates.
==== Amarr ====
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Ares Ares]: Gallente tackle interceptor.  
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Crow Crow]: Kite missile spam.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Raptor Raptor]: Caldari tackle interceptor rather overshadowed by the crow despite having a longer range point.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Crusader Crusader]: Pulse with scorch and Kite outside web range.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Crusader Crusader]: Pulse with scorch and Kite outside web range.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Malediction Malediction]: Amarr tackle interceptor.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Malediction Malediction]: Amarr tackle interceptor.
==== Caldari ====
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Crow Crow]: Kiting ranged missile spam.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Raptor Raptor]: Caldari tackle interceptor rather overshadowed by the Crow despite having a longer-ranged point.
==== Gallente ====
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Taranis Taranis]: Slower interceptor, great DPS, one of the best dogfighting frigates.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Ares Ares]: Gallente tackle interceptor.
==== Minmatar ====
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Claw Claw]: Fastest interceptor, decent dogfighter.
*[http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Stiletto Siletto]: Perhaps the best tackle interceptor due to its slot layout.
=== Covert Ops ===
=== Covert Ops ===
Cov-ops frigates can warp while cloaked, and are used as scouts and for probing either exploration sites or enemy ships down. They can also be used for tackling things they've scouted or probed out, but that's only for experienced people that know what they can and can't hold long enough for help to arrive, and which targets are worth the risk.
Cov-ops frigates can warp while cloaked, and have several uses. As scouts they can stealthily gather intelligence and use their scanning bonus to probe out enemy targets. In exploration they can use the same scanning bonuse to probe down PvE exploration sites. Cov-ops frigates can also be used for tackling things they've scouted or probed out, but that's only for experienced pilots who know what they can and can't hold long enough for help to arrive, and which targets are worth the risk.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Anathema Anathema] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Anathema Anathema] (Amarr)
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=== Stealth Bombers ===  
=== Stealth Bombers ===  
No tank, all gank. Stealth bombers are super high dps/alpha frigates that can warp cloaked and don't have a sensor recalibration delay after decloaking. They are the bane of large ships, especially in [[0.0|nullsec]], where they can also launch bombs (basically a large, higher damage smartbomb). They have trouble hitting small targets with their torpedoes though. In groups, flown well, stealth bombers can take down carriers.
Stealth bombers are very specialised ships which can warp cloaked and don't have a sensor recalibration delay preventing them from locking targets after decloaking. They can fit torpedo launchers and bomb launchers (although bombs -- devastating area-effect weapons -- can only be used in [[0.0|nullsec]]). Stealth bombers put out extraordinary DPS but die very fast if anyone manages to put some damage on them. They are the bane of large ships, especially in nullsec. In groups, flown well, stealth bombers can take down carriers.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Purifier Purifier] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Purifier Purifier] (Amarr)
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=== Assault Ships ===  
=== Assault Ships ===  
Frigates with good tanks and usually high dps. If you get tackled by one of these, you're generally not going anywhere: they're a pain to get rid of when properly fitted. Their disadvantage compared to interceptors is that they're slower, and often sacrifice their MWD and fit an AB instead to survive longer after tackling a target.
Assault ships (commonly called "Assault Frigates" or "AFs" to distinguish them from [[Cruiser#Heavy Assault Ships|HACs]]) are have good tanks and usually high DPS. If you get tackled by an assault ship, you're generally not going anywhere: they're a pain to get rid of when properly fitted. Their disadvantage compared to interceptors is that they're slower, and often sacrifice their MWD and fit an afterburner instead to survive longer after tackling a target.
Some assault ships make decent tacklers, and they can provide decent damage in a fleet of small ships. If the fleet has larger damage-dealing ships assault ships can lack a role, though they may still be a good defence against other small targets.
In PvE assault ships can take on missions and combat sites which would normally be too difficult for a frigate-sized ship.
==== Amarr ====
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Retribution Retribution] Uses lasers. Tough, high-damage ship which struggles to tackle or fly solo because it only has one midslot.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Vengeance Vengeance] Uses rockets. Equally tough ship with three midslots, but limited damage because rockets are an underwhelming weapon.
==== Caldari ====
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Harpy Harpy] Uses hybrid turrets. Commonly fit with railguns as a mini-sniper.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Hawk Hawk] Uses missile launchers. Limited use in PvP, helpful in PvE.
==== Gallente ====
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Enyo Enyo] Uses hybrid turrets. Commonly fit with blasters for face-melting point-blank DPS.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Ishkur Ishkur] Drone boat. Superb. Potentially 50m3 drone bay.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Retribution Retribution] (Amarr)
==== Minmatar ====
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Vengeance Vengeance] (Amarr)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Wolf Wolf] Uses projectile turrets. Very high DPS.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Harpy Harpy] (Caldari)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Jaguar Jaguar] Also uses projectile turrets. Decent DPS, fastest assault ship.
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Hawk Hawk] (Caldari)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Enyo Enyo] (Gallente)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Ishkur Ishkur] (Gallente)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Wolf Wolf] (Minmatar)
* [http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Jaguar Jaguar] (Minmatar)
== Faction Frigates ==   
== Faction Frigates ==   

Revision as of 21:29, 28 February 2010

Frigates are the smallest and fastest ships in Eve. New pilots begin by flying frigates, and the Tech 1 frigates only cost a few hundred thousand ISK. Don't be fooled by the low cost of frigates and the fact that they're used by novice pilots, though: frigates can play an important role in battle, and in numbers or with skilled pilots even Tech 1 frigates can be deadly.

There are a number of classes of Tech 2 frigates, which have advanced abilities and are also much more focused on a particular role: tackling interceptors, cloaking and scanning covert ops frigates, surprise-attack stealth bombers, electronic attack ships for electronic warfare, and assault ships, which are designed purely to deal and survive damage.

T1 Frigates

Besides shuttles and rookie ships, each race has six frigates which can be (unofficially) sorted by their roles.

In fleet PvP Tech 1 frigates are generally used for tackling or electronic warfare, two roles in which they can have a significant impact. Tech 1 frigates are also flown for solo pvp: their speed and small size helps solo pilots to pick their targets, and their low cost makes them comfortably expendable. The Minmatar Rifter is particularly common, because it is one of the best combat T1 frigates, possibly the best. In a dogfighting fit with autocannons, afterburner, web and scram, it can take on most other frigates, and even some larger targets, and win. The Punisher and Incursus are the Amarr and Gallente equivalents, but they don't quite reach the level of the Rifter, which has earned a reputation as "Eve's AK47".

In PvE frigates are used to complete Level 1 missions, though once new pilots are a little wealthier and better-trained they often begin to use destroyers instead.


Shuttles are a cheap and fast way to travel between systems. They are cheap to construct and buy off the market and they move fast for their price, thus making them an excellent choice for travel. While shuttles have been known to be used as scout or survey ships, their most common use is as intermediary travel in order to pick up other, more expensive ships. They have very limited cargo space and cannot fit any modules.

Rookie Frigates

Little more than slower, armed shuttles, rookie ships (or "noobships") are the basic frigates that new pilots start with. You can acquire a new noobship (together with a civilian weapon, a civilian mining laser and one unit of Tritanium) for free by docking your pod in a station where you don't already have any ships. On their own these are not much use for anything other than basic errand-running. Eve University has, however, been known to field fleets composed entirely of noobships, more for their comedy value than for their effectiveness in battle.

All four rookie ships can carry at least one light drone in their dronebay. The Gallente Velator can carry two.

  • Impairor (Amarr)
  • Ibis (Caldari)
  • Velator (Gallente)
  • Reaper (Minmatar)


Mining frigates all have bonuses for mining. While they're a great start for any would-be miner, they are notoriously bad in combat situations.

Electronic Warfare

Electronic Warfare frigates all have bonuses to electronic warfare modules, such as target painters, ECM jammers, remote sensor dampeners and tracking disruptors. Electronic warfare frigates can be a helpful force multiplier for a fleet that also has some damage-dealing ships, and they are one of the ships that new pilots can usefully fly in an Eve University wartime fleet.

  • Crucifier (Amarr, tracking disruption)
  • Griffin (Caldari, ECM jamming)
  • Maulus (Gallente, remote sensor dampening)
  • Vigil (Minmatar, target painting)


The Tech 1 exploration frigates all have bonuses to help pilots scan for PvE exploration sites or for PvP enemies with probes. Fitted with a Core Probe Launcher, they can make a good cheap alternative to their advanced Tech 2 Frigate#Covert Ops equivalents.

Fast Frigates

These ships are built to align and accelerate quickly. They can catch up to larger ships and use tackling modules on them very fast, and are the base hulls for each race's Tech 2 interceptors (see below). They are ideal for fast travel or small cargo runs and they make a great alternative to a shuttle, especially in lowsec or during wartime, as they can typically enter warp from cloak before the enemy can lock them.

The Amarr Executioner can more or less tackle, and the Gallente Incursus is a capable fleet tackler.

Damage Dealer

Damage-dealing frigates are typically split into two sub categories, those which use missile launchers and those which use gun turrets. In general, they tend to have the ability to take a little more damage than and deal out a little more damage than other frigates. The Gallente have two turret ships, as they do not tend to use missiles - although the Tristan can fit launchers, it receives no bonus for them.

The Caldari Merlin and Minmatar Rifter can be good fleet tacklers. The Punisher can tackle in a pinch.



T2 Frigates


These are the primary tacklers everywhere but nullsec(where interdictors and HICs take over). They have the highest scan resolution of any ship class, and only the Vigil (the Minmatar electronic warfare frigate) can match their sub-warp speed. While their main purpose is tackling, many interceptors can also be fitted to be effective combat ships. Their firepower and tank will be low compared to other ships, but they have the advantage of very high speed (even when combat fitted) and awesome agility.

Each race has two interceptors, one designed purely for tackling, with a bonus to the range of tackling modules, and the other designed more for damage-dealing.



  • Crow: Kiting ranged missile spam.
  • Raptor: Caldari tackle interceptor rather overshadowed by the Crow despite having a longer-ranged point.


  • Taranis: Slower interceptor, great DPS, one of the best dogfighting frigates.
  • Ares: Gallente tackle interceptor.


  • Claw: Fastest interceptor, decent dogfighter.
  • Siletto: Perhaps the best tackle interceptor due to its slot layout.

Covert Ops

Cov-ops frigates can warp while cloaked, and have several uses. As scouts they can stealthily gather intelligence and use their scanning bonus to probe out enemy targets. In exploration they can use the same scanning bonuse to probe down PvE exploration sites. Cov-ops frigates can also be used for tackling things they've scouted or probed out, but that's only for experienced pilots who know what they can and can't hold long enough for help to arrive, and which targets are worth the risk.

Stealth Bombers

Stealth bombers are very specialised ships which can warp cloaked and don't have a sensor recalibration delay preventing them from locking targets after decloaking. They can fit torpedo launchers and bomb launchers (although bombs -- devastating area-effect weapons -- can only be used in nullsec). Stealth bombers put out extraordinary DPS but die very fast if anyone manages to put some damage on them. They are the bane of large ships, especially in nullsec. In groups, flown well, stealth bombers can take down carriers.

Electronic Attack Ships

These vary a lot from race to race. Basically, they are frigate sized version of the combat recon ships.

Assault Ships

Assault ships (commonly called "Assault Frigates" or "AFs" to distinguish them from HACs) are have good tanks and usually high DPS. If you get tackled by an assault ship, you're generally not going anywhere: they're a pain to get rid of when properly fitted. Their disadvantage compared to interceptors is that they're slower, and often sacrifice their MWD and fit an afterburner instead to survive longer after tackling a target.

Some assault ships make decent tacklers, and they can provide decent damage in a fleet of small ships. If the fleet has larger damage-dealing ships assault ships can lack a role, though they may still be a good defence against other small targets.

In PvE assault ships can take on missions and combat sites which would normally be too difficult for a frigate-sized ship.


  • Retribution Uses lasers. Tough, high-damage ship which struggles to tackle or fly solo because it only has one midslot.
  • Vengeance Uses rockets. Equally tough ship with three midslots, but limited damage because rockets are an underwhelming weapon.


  • Harpy Uses hybrid turrets. Commonly fit with railguns as a mini-sniper.
  • Hawk Uses missile launchers. Limited use in PvP, helpful in PvE.


  • Enyo Uses hybrid turrets. Commonly fit with blasters for face-melting point-blank DPS.
  • Ishkur Drone boat. Superb. Potentially 50m3 drone bay.


  • Wolf Uses projectile turrets. Very high DPS.
  • Jaguar Also uses projectile turrets. Decent DPS, fastest assault ship.

Faction Frigates

Rare/Unique Frigates