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****Usually the higher level agents provide more dangerous and profitable missions.
****Usually the higher level agents provide more dangerous and profitable missions.
**Shipt Types to use:
**Ship Types to use:
***Level 1: Tech 1 frigates and destroyers should have no problem at all.
***Level 2: Tech 1 frigates and destroyers.
****Tech 1 frigates will require careful attention to be succesful.
****An inexpensive alternative
****Will teach you a considerable amount about your ship's capabilities.
****Destroyers should have little to no probelm
***Level 3:  Battle Cruiser with tech II tank or meta 4 tank.
***Level 4:  Battleship with Tech II Tank and Tech II weapon systems.
***Level 5:  Tengu, Rattlesnake, Capitol Ship, Fleet.  Don't run these as...
****They typically occur at junctions from High to Null, already dangerous before war.
****If you require a fleet the overall payout may not justify running it.
****If you can run it on your own your ship is worth too much for the enemy to ignore.

Revision as of 23:59, 23 March 2014

Testing 123 This is my blackboard for edits.

Project: Missioning 101 Making a living at war Why: I have tought this class a few times and it occurs to me that there is enough divergence from the standard Missioning 101 course that a wikki entry may be warranted.

I will probably work on the syllabus template variant first then I will probably redoo it here to make it production ready for non-syllabus use.

Class Information

This is a syllabus for a class provided by EVE University. This section contains information about this class and its contents. General Information includes materials to create a proper class listing on the EVE University forum. Additional resources and teaching tips are listed under Notes for the Teacher.

General Purpose: This class is intended to teach pilots how to make a living flying security missions during war. This class is primarly intended for pilots who have some experience in the game however with a bit of patience during the Q/a even younger pilots can benefit considerably.

Not covered: Salvaging 101, Shield/Armor Tanking 101, Various Weapon Skills 101, Data Centers and Cosmos Missions, D-Scan 101, Fitting 101.

Duration: 45-75 minutes. Location: Docked up safely.

Course Content:

  • Missions: Types, how to get them, which ship type to use.
  • Eve Survival: Triggers, Damage types, Blitzing, Drone Agro, Bonus Rooms.
  • Missioning During War: Basic survival tools, warp in points, Fleets.
  • Spoils of Conflict: Loyalty Points and Standings, Marketables, Selling

Student Requirements:

  • Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble
  • Overview: If an E-Uni student ensure you have your overview setup per http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Overview. if attending from another corporation/alliance please ensure to have your overview set to your organizations standard.
  • Access to the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel.

Why are you teaching this class (brief introduction).


Types of Missions:

  • Why Security?
    • Distribution: Slow aligning/moving ships in space are generally easy targets.
    • Mining: Mining missions involve sitting still in ships with poor pvp abilities.
    • Cosmos: High risk one time missions in peace, too high of a risk during war.
    • Data-Center: One time only and if you lose your tags thats a huge loss mail.
    • R&D: These can vary in type of mission and suitability depends on the type.
    • Security: The primary topic of this class.
  • How to find an agent.
    • Agent Finder (use SOE for reference):
      • Different Levels (1-5)
      • Standings Requirements:
        • Level 1: Any standing.
        • Level 2: Standings 1+
        • Level 3: Standings 3+
        • Level 4: Standings 5+
        • Level 5: Standings 7+
        • Faction: Agents above level 1 require faction standing of -2 or higher.
        • Usually the higher level agents provide more dangerous and profitable missions.
    • Ship Types to use:
      • Level 1: Tech 1 frigates and destroyers should have no problem at all.
      • Level 2: Tech 1 frigates and destroyers.
        • Tech 1 frigates will require careful attention to be succesful.
        • An inexpensive alternative
        • Will teach you a considerable amount about your ship's capabilities.
        • Destroyers should have little to no probelm
      • Level 3: Battle Cruiser with tech II tank or meta 4 tank.
      • Level 4: Battleship with Tech II Tank and Tech II weapon systems.
      • Level 5: Tengu, Rattlesnake, Capitol Ship, Fleet. Don't run these as...
        • They typically occur at junctions from High to Null, already dangerous before war.
        • If you require a fleet the overall payout may not justify running it.
        • If you can run it on your own your ship is worth too much for the enemy to ignore.