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Chat channels can be joined by using the Channels window that you can find under the Social category in the interface options list.
Chat channels can be joined by using the Channels window that you can find under the Social category in the interface options list.
[[File:QSG openchannelwindow.jpg|thumb|upright=1.5|Click to see full size image.|alt=opening the channel window]]  [[File:QSG channelwindow.jpg|thumb|upright=1.5|Click to see full size image.|alt=joining a chat channel]]   
[[File:QSG openchannelwindow.jpg|thumb|Click to see full size image.|alt=opening the channel window]]   
[[File:QSG channelwindow.jpg|thumb|Click to see full size image.|alt=joining a chat channel]]   
=== Basic Chat Channels ===
=== Basic Chat Channels ===

Revision as of 15:36, 26 May 2016

the boonie wiki eat loony members of the EU any chat - don't forget to read what you dictate

  • Icon Page star route chartreuse • dark green • light green • yellow

Communications Advice for New Members

New members often find the huge amount of information that EVE University offers hard to scan and digest. A good way to get help with this is by talking to other E-Uni members in chat. Another is to subscribe to in-game email lists. And a third is to listen and talk in Mumble. Each of these has its own full-scale page in this wiki, but even these contain more than the new member may want to digest. This page gives a quick summary of the communications options most relevant to most new members.


Chat channels can be joined by using the Channels window that you can find under the Social category in the interface options list.

File:QSG openchannelwindow.jpg
Click to see full size image.
File:QSG channelwindow.jpg
Click to see full size image.

Basic Chat Channels

There are three different kinds of channels depending on how you get access to them. Each of the channels here also includes information on how to gain access.

  • Public - The channel is open to anyone, just go to Social > Channels in your game interface, open the Channels window, type the channel name into the box (or select it from the list at the bottom of the window) and click "join".
  • Password - You need to be an E-Uni member to join the channel. The link will take you to the E-Uni forum post that provides the password.
  • Private - You need to contact a manager or officer to be admitted to the channel. Usually, you can find the name of this person at the web site that displays the chat channel (at the High Sec Campus, page, for example, for HSC.E-Uni) - and you can send this person and in game email. If you have problems or question, just ask about it in Chat.E-Uni or Q&A.E-Uni and someone will help you out.

1. Chat.E-Uni (Password)

This is the general chat for the entire University. There are typically 50 or more members on this channel at any time, and it is a good place to ask basic questions ... or just to chat.

2. Q&A.E-Uni (Password)

This channel is watched by experienced members with expertise in many aspects of E-Uni and the EVE game. Type the letter Q: and then ask a question. It may take a few minutes, but usually someone will respond. If they cannot give you an answer, they will try to direct you to someone who can.

3. HSC.E-Uni <or LSC.E-Uni or NSC.E-Uni or WHC.E-Uni> (Send in-game email to the campus manager to join the channel.)

Most new members start out at High Sec Campus, and it, as well as each of the other campuses, has it's own chat channel. This is a good place to ask questions about campus events, such as upcoming fleets, and to just chat with other people who are having the same kinds of experiences.

4. Lecture.E-Uni (Public)

This is the channel to join whenever you take an E-Uni class. The instructor will always be available in this channel to provide instructions and answer questions.

5. Local (You find this under Systems Channels in the Channel Window.)

This channel automatically shows all pilots currently in space in the system you are in. It is almost never used for talking ... but the icons that show the standing of the the pilots are used as an early warning system. The E-Uni Overview Setup procedure (if you haven't done this, you NEED to do it before you start flying around - it will keep you alive), shows War Targets in the Overview Window, but only if they are close enough to already be attacking you. Local chat shows them wherever they may be in the system, including docked at a station. The chat also shows a variety of other good and bad people ... look at Identifying War Targets in Local for more details.

So ... that makes five chat windows. Do they all need to be visible at once? No ... you only need three: Local, Chat.E-Uni, and HSC.E-Uni (or the chat for your current campus.) The others, and the ones listed next, can be opened and "stacked" for easy access. Here is what that might look like.

File:QSG chatwindowsopen.jpg
Click this image to see it full size.

Most players keep their Local window as tall as possible ... in order to show all the ships in a system (and in a high traffic system there will still not be enough room). The other windows go wherever you want them to ... along with the Overview Window, Drones Window,

Other Chat Channels

Also useful as you learn more about the game are:

5. Alliance (You find this under Systems Channels in the Channel Window.)

It's good to glance at this when you log on. It shows the Alliances that are currently at war with E-Uni. This is also the channel in which fleet formations are announced.

6. Corp (You find this under Systems Channels in the Channel Window.)

Use this channel if you need to ask a question about E-Uni policies or operations and you want an officer to respond.

7. Liveintel.ILN (Very private password. Ask in Q&A.E-Uni for more information.)

Whenever someone sees a War Target, they post the name and location in this channel. NOTHING else is allowed in this channel.

There are many more channels available within EVE and even within E-Uni. This wiki has a listing of all E-Uni Chat Channels.

Mailing Lists

The mailing list, Classes.E-UNI, is also very useful. It will send you a weekly EVE email listing the E-Uni classes being offered that week. This is a really good way to find courses that you might want to join. To get on this list, open the Mail Window, click "Add Mailing List" at the bottom left of the window, and type in the name of the list.

There are a variety useful lists; each is offered by a campus or organization and you will find them as you join groups within E-Uni.


Mumble is a voice communication channel. It is required for participation in E-Uni fleets, and highly recommended otherwise. To use it a player's computer needs some sort of sound input ... a microphone or headset.

This wiki contains a page that explains how to set Mumble up for E-Uni use.

Once you have it running, you will see that Mumble has a number of channels ... one for each E-Uni campuses, some fleet channels, and some specialized channels. Most of the time, you will join the channel for your campus. If you join a fleet, you will switch to the fleet channel for the duration of the exercise, and then back to your home campus channel.

If you have a specific question, the xxxxx channel is monitored by E-Uni specialists dedicated to helping new players. You can jump to that channel and wait for someone to join you, then ask your question.


I think I remember a day or two of Peace awhile back, but generally we seem to be always at war, and so the IVY Defense Status tends to permanently display DEFCON 2. If the DEFCON never changes, then after awhile people begin to just assume that the level is 2, and the system loses its immediacy. This proposal is intended to make the DEFCON categories more useful.

The general idea is that while DEFCONs 5 and 1 would still represent the endpoints of Peace and Apocalypse, 3 would represent "no change in the ongoing war status" and 2 and 4 would represent changing conditions, up and down. So 3 would be normal, and 2 or 4 would come up whenever Warring Alliances were added or removed.


Keep an eye out and always be careful, but at least there are no War Targets today.

DEFCON 4 - AT WAR: Decreasing Danger

We are still at War, but one or more enemies have recently dropped out. Please check the Alliance chat and update your information.


One or more wars from small groups are in progress. Significant hostile actions are unlikely - however, you can be fired upon anywhere in space; so please be cautious, especially around Campus HQs and trade hubs.

DEFCON 2 - AT WAR: Increasing Danger

Additional wars have recently been declared but have not yet taken effect. Please check the Alliance chat, update your information base to include the new War Targets, and increase your vigilance.


A widespread War with an active and powerful enemy is live. Military action is under way right now, and you should watch for War Targets at all times.

In general, neither Peace nor Major War is expected. The normal state of affairs is DEFCON 3, one or more ongoing limited conflicts that require caution but not a full blown response.

Changes in the normal state usually come about when one or more wars end, or when one or more alliances add to the declared wars list. DEFCON 2 and 4 would indicate that such changes were underway. After a period of time at either DEFCON 2 or 4, the status would automatically drop back to DEFCON 3 to reflect the new normal.

Presumably a Major War would require extraordinary measures, and a jump to DEFCON 1 would be accompanied by a broadcast message from the Leadership. The last time we had Peace, everyone was talking about it a day before it happened; so there's no problem there.


Although the original cold war language of the Defcon system is accurate, a more icon-oriented public information approach might be more effective.



star route No WTs! Go, go go!


At War: Decreasing Danger

Icon os linux.png But don't be a sitting duck.


Normal War Ongoing

Icon large green check.pngIcon sensor resolution.png Plan and scan. Watch your back.


At War: Increasing Danger



Major War in Progress

ColorTag-StarRed9.gifIcon timer criminal.pngColorTag-StarRed9.gif