Archive:EVE High

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Crimson Harvest Spooky Eagle Logo.png This page's intent is to provide information on the the history of EVE University. The information on this page is no longer current.

EVE High was once a temporary alternative to joining EVE University as a full member immediately after acceptance and was given as a choice by the Personnel Officers to applicants during wartime. It was essentially a 'virtual' corp in a sense that members did not actually enter an actual in-game corporation, but got some of the benefits of being an Eve University member. The intention was to prevent the applicants from becoming a war target and give them time to fly to EVE University headquarters and dock up. It also acted as a fast-track to join as a full member once the applicant was ready. This allowed applicants to complete their application and begin learning, without the dangers inherent in warfare.

In EVE High members had access to...

  • Most Eve University services.
  • Attend Eve University classes (which at the time were not public).
  • Most of the EVE University Chat Channels. These included the ones that require a password to enter.
  • The forums, where members could see the scheduled classes and our many other threads regarding PVE or PVP etc.
  • Our Mumble voice server, where members could chat with our other members and also join for classes that are being held.

In comparison to a full member, in Eve High members could not...