EVE University Chat Channels

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Chat Channels

Primary Channels

  • Alliance - Used only for director broadcasts and to stage fleet operations.
  • Corp - Eve University general communication and Q&A channel.
  • Local - May not be used during fleet operations, for smack-talk, or to communicate with hostiles. See Ivy League Policies

Empire Channels

Use these to coordinate ops and such with players that are closer to you. These were primarily setup for students who were outside of the former E-UNI home region of The Forge.

  • EU Amarr Space - Amarr channel
  • EU Gallente Space - Gallente channel
  • EU Minmatar Space - Minmatar channel

Note: EU Minmatar Space is an Eve University channel so all public rules apply. Two exception are that Thukk U uses this channel to make the Minmatar-Amarr factional warfare more transparent, and that light recruiting from Eve University alumni to their individual corporations is tolerated. The channel operators are: Patric, Frank Pabodie, Laps3d Pacifist, Damien Anders, and Garr Anders.

Other Channels

  • EU 18+ - The 18+ channel. Consider yourself warned.
  • EU Missions - Used by members to share ISK and rapidly gain status by sharing missions.
  • EU-Mining/Hauling - Eve University mining channel for coordinating mining ops.
  • EU-Advancedmining - A student-run mining channel.
  • EUNI Class - Used for participation in instructor-led courses.
  • EVE High - Used by members who drop from Eve University during a war.
  • UNI Mining - Eve University mining channel.
  • UNI Wormholes - Eve University mining channel for coordinating wormhole ops.

University Public

University Public is our public channel. It is used for recruiting, general help, and staying in contact with previous members.

The Rules

  1. Respect everyone in the channel, and keep discussions civil. (If you have problem with someone, take it elsewhere.)
  2. Scamming in any channel is prohibited. There are no exceptions to this.
  3. Profanity is never allowed. Use alternative words or don't swear.
  4. Topics must be kept clean and channel content is to be kept PG-13.
  5. Nobody but Eve University is to recruit in this channel. The Work Fair section of the [Ivy League Forums] is used to recruit members from Eve University.


These are the typical actions, in order, which will be taken against any offenders. In extreme cases, and those where it is clear the offender was aware of their infraction, they may find themselves immediately and permanently banned, (for example ISK spammers and scammers).

  1. A verbal warning in the relevant channel
  2. A 30 minute mute
  3. A 24 hour ban
  4. A permanent ban on all official E-UNI communication mediums, including channels and forums.


If you feel you have been banned or otherwise moderated unfairly, please convo a director in-game.

Mailing Lists

  • EU Hangars - This list is for hangar privileges.
  • EU Titles - Used to claim Ivy Titles and Roles.
  • EUNI Market - This list is for buying and selling within the IVY alliance.
  • Ivy Intel - Only used while at war - this list is for posting information about targets.
  • FA Hanger - Ship orders and replacements.
  • E-UNI Mentor Requests - If you're new to the game, and need some one to one help - leave a mentor request in here.

Remember, unless a message is intended for the entire corp - keep any correspondance in personal mail to whomever it concerns.