Tips and Tricks

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The point of this page is to list any misc tips and tricks that you've encountered/discovered that don't merit a more in-depth write up.


  • Don't autopilot
  • While having a route set for the autopilot: Warping to zero and activating the autopilot while still in warp will make your ship instantly jump as soon as you arrive on the gate. Just deactivate the autopilot as soon as the jump is initiated to prevent it from warping to 15km on the next gate.
  • Leave a cheap item at stations you visit frequently, this will turn your assets tab (available on the left of the screen) into a handy collection of bookmarks.


  • If the wrecks are in large clumps many kilometers apart clear one clump and bookmark the next set of wrecks,then warp away and warp back to the bookmark you just made saving you from having to slowboat to the next set of wrecks.
This works really well if the mission had multiple rooms since the warp point you can use is close by.


  • When you first warp to an asteroid belt you can be upto 70-80kilometers away, bookmark an asteroid then warp out and back to the bookmark to save time getting to mining range.


  • Buy a hull repairer when you move up from frigates, keep it on your cargo bay and if you hit structure during a mission warp out, dock locally and use it to repair your ship saving you station repair bills. Remember to swap it back out before going back to the mission.
  • Drone users: Make sure you have all the NPCs in a given group locking/attacking you before you launch your drones. Refer to EVE-Survival for info on spawn triggers and the possibility of drones attracting the attention of other NPC groups.
  • After training social to 3 and connections to 3 you can almost instantly access L2 agents without the need to grind lots of L1 missions.


  • Hold the CTRL key and left click on an entry in your overview to target it.
  • Holding CTRL will also freeze the overview so things don't change position. This is useful for making sure you click the right thing in busy situations.

Drone Usage

  • The commands "All Drones: Engage", "All Drones: Return & Orbit" and "All Drones: Return & Dock" can be assigned to hotkeys.