Rarified Core Deposit

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Revision as of 18:25, 7 December 2021 by Anidien Dallacort (talk | contribs) (Added update template calling for Version 19.11 based re-write.)
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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Review quantities in asteroids due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Main article: Wormhole sites
Sleeper Ship Name Effect(s) Sig Speed Attack Orbit DPS/Volley DPS/Volley EHP


1x Sleepless Sentinel

Stasis WebifierWarp DisruptorEnergy Neutralization

Icon ship sig.png 400

Icon velocity.png 1,125 m/s

Icon target range.png 75 km

19 km Icon orbit.png 125 m/s

202 DPS,Volley,Interval 1,008 (5 s)

264 DPS,Volley,Interval 4,738 (18 s)

Icon hull.png 147,714


2x Awakened Sentinel

Stasis Webifier

Icon ship sig.png 150

Icon velocity.png 1,800 m/s

Icon target range.png 60 km

15 km Icon orbit.png 200 m/s

36 DPS,Volley,Interval 180 (5 s)

36 DPS,Volley,Interval 540 (15 s)

Icon hull.png 42,167

Ore Type # of Asteroids Size (m3, each) Site Total (units) Site Total (m3)
Arkonor 1 800,000 50,000 800,000
Bistot 1 1,280,000 80,000 1,280,000
Crokite 1 1,280,000 80,000 1,280,000
Dark Ochre 1 800,000 100,000 800,000
Gneiss 1 500,000 100,000 500,000
Hedbergite 2 150,000 - 450,000 200,000 600,000
Hemorphite 3 300,000 300,000 900,000
Jaspet 4 200,000 - 300,000 500,000 1,000,000
Kernite 4 180,000 600,000 720,000
Mercoxit 1 600,000 15,000 600,000
Omber 3 90,000 - 120,000 500,000 300,000
Pyroxeres 6 24,000 480,000 144,000
Spodumain 1 3,200,000 200,000 3,200,000