Lauka Ikunol

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Lauka Ikunol:

Lauka Ikunol is a member of the Kaalakiota corporation of the Caldari State. This is a Mission with 2 iterations

Pioneer's Aid (1 of 2)

Mission briefing Your observation is correct. And I've been watching you, Kelon Darklight, for a while now, and you seem to fit the criteria I've been looking for.

Now I have a task for you that may prove to be extremely dangerous. As you probably know already we've had a long standing quarrel with the Guristas forces in 09-4XW. And it's really showing a toll on the settlers here. But I want to propose a truce, and I want you to be the one that brings them the offer. I will supply you a bookmark to the Guristas Headquarters in 1QH-0K, all you have to do is warp in there and bring it to their leaders.

This offer expires at 2020.10.28 02:44

Pioneer's Aid (1 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Objective Warp to the Guristas constellation headquarters and deliver Lauka's message to their leaders. Location -0.1 1QH-0K (Low Sec Warning!)

This site contains special ship restrictions.

(The route generated by current autopilot settings contains low security systems!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours: 8,000,000 ISK

After warp in- Message pops up- You are a fool to bring this 'proposal' to us. The Pioneer's Sanctuary is in no position to strike a deal with us. You will either submit to our demands or die. Such is our way, and no peon of theirs will convince us otherwise.

In local-[02:48:12] [02:48:12] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Guristas Captain: You are a fool to bring this 'proposal' to us. The Pioneer's Sanctuary is in no position to strike a deal with us. You will either submit to our demands or die. Such is our way, and no peon of theirs will convince us otherwise.</color> [02:48:12] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Guristas Captain: Kill them!</color>

[02:48:19] Message > <color=0xff48ff00>The Guristas obviously refuse to cooperate.  The mission is now complete.  Return to your agent for further details.</color>

Mission is flagged done and you can warp off provided they don't point you.

If you decide to fight them, at some point- [02:54:49] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Guristas Captain: We need more reinforcements!</color> [02:54:49] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Guristas Captain: We need more reinforcements!</color> [02:54:49] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Guristas Captain: We need more reinforcements!</color> is displayed 3x, not me going crazy with paste

Unknown what the trigger was

After turn in- It's as I expected, they won't listen to reason. Then I guess it's time for us to face the cold hard facts, the town must be abandoned. Unless someone is brave enough to stand up to those scoundrels and teach them a lesson ...

Before accepting mission- You are, huh. Unfortunately there is only one way to truly stop the Guristas from enslaving us, at least temporarily. And that is to annihilate their high command in 1QH-0K. I know it sounds foolhardy and it probably is, but it's the only way ... if we don't strike them down at the root they will just keep on coming.

I'm probably getting way ahead of myself here, I really can't ask you to try something insane like assault their most powerful stronghold in the entire constellation. But if you do, I will give you a very nice reward for the insignia from their leader.

AFter accepting- Pioneer's Aid (2 of 2)

Mission briefing Unfortunately there is only one way to truly stop the Guristas from enslaving us, at least temporarily. And that is to annihilate their high command in 1QH-0K. I know it sounds foolhardy and it probably is, but it's the only way ... if we don't strike them down at the root they will just keep on coming.

I'm probably getting way ahead of myself here, I really can't ask you to try something insane like assault their most powerful stronghold in the entire constellation. But if you do, I will give you a very nice reward for the insignia from their leader.

This offer expires at 2020.10.28 02:44

This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings.

Pioneer's Aid (2 of 2) Objectives The following objectives must be completed to finish the mission:

Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:

		Drop-off Location	-0.1 ZH3-BS (Low Sec Warning!)	
		Item	1 x Dread Guristas Diamond Tag (0.1 m³)	

Objective Wipe out the Guristas leadership by destroying the War Installation in the Guristas central command complex. Location -0.1 1QH-0K (Low Sec Warning!)

This site contains special ship restrictions.

(The route generated by current autopilot settings contains low security systems!)

Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission: 1 x Cybernetic Subprocessor - Improved

Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 2 hours and 40 minutes: 1 x Eifyr and Co. 'Alchemist' Neurotoxin Control NC-903

After accepting - I fear for your life, but on the other hand you are our only hope. So I wish you good luck. 

AFter landing- [03:12:12] Message > <color=0xff80d8fc>Guristas Captain: They're back! Let's get 'em!</color>

Next wave spawns shortly latter, unknown if is timed or not

Next wave spawns shortly afterwards, unknown if is timed or not

Gate is locked til all rats are dead

Room 2

Gate is locked til all rats are dead

Room 3

AFter the Capitan dies [03:39:05] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>As the Pith Caller's ship disintegrates, sentry guns emerge from cloak to attempt a last ditch effort to subdue the intruders.</color>

Gate is locked til all rats are dead

Room 4

Kiling a sentry turret (any variant)- [03:55:35] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>The sentry gun is booby trapped, causing a massive burst of energy directed towards all hostile entities when destroyed.</color>, seems to have fairly large range, and will 1 shot light drones.

at half armor-

[03:55:22] Message > <color=0xffff0000>A squadron of ships emerge from the station, scrambled together at the last minute. </color>

at half structure- [04:03:15] Message > <color=0xffa3fc80>The Guristas War Installation is starting to fall apart. Plumes of gas burst from the interior, quickly filling the void around the station with a glowing cloud of gas and waste.</color>

station drops- Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener 1 Dread Guristas Lead Charge M 1000 Dread Guristas Diamond Tag 1

was in 2 separate cans for some reason mission flagged done once structure is dead

after turn in- You have managed the impossible once again, Kelon Darklight. But this time you surprised even myself. Pioneer's Sanctuary owes you a great debt which can never be repaid in full. But hopefully your reward will at least repay your expenses. Good luck in whatever the future holds for you.