Marvernois Ruemin

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Marvernois Ruemin:
Marvernois Ruemin is a member of the Scope, a news corporation of the Gallante Federation. This is a Mission with 2 iterations

Serpentis Industry (1 of 2)

Serpentis Industry (1 of 2)
Level 4
Type Distribution
Objective Acquire 2 x Reports (0.2 m³)
Rewards 1 x Eifyr and Co. 'Alchemist' Neurotoxin Control NC-903 + 2.4M ISK (3h 34min)

Mission briefing
"You seem eager and willing to work for me. I have this little problem you could help me out with. Yesterday I was tricked into telling my supervisors I would take care of a situation in the area, not fully knowing all the details. Next time I´ll be more careful and not be baited. Anyway, I looked into it and scout reports indicated a large Serpentis operation in the ppg-xc system. It appears they're setting up their own tournament to compete with the Legends Trial. Some of our advertisers have a real problem with this, so they need the operation brought to a halt. Naturally, I'd do it myself, but I figure since you are such an eager puppy you would just love to do it for me, wouldn't you?"
This site contains special ship restrictions

Room 1

Room 1 Wave 1

Frigate 4 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Patroller
Frigate 2 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Watchman
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Corelior Artillery
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Corelior Cannoneer
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Serp First Guard
Battleship 2 x Battleship Core Flotilla Admiral
Battleship 4 x Battleship Core Lord Admiral
Battleship 1 x Battleship Core Rear Admiral
Battleship 1 x Battleship Core Vice Admiral
Sentry 4 x Sentry Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery
Sentry 7 x Sentry Serpentis Sentry Gun

Room 2

Room 2 Wave 1

Frigate 6 x Frigate Coreli Initiate
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Guardian
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Infa
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Saf
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Sen
Battleship 4 x Battleship Core Lord Admiral
Battleship 3 x Battleship Core Admiral
Battleship 2 x Battleship Core High Admiral
Sentry 5 x Sentry Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 3 x Sentry Tower Sentry Serpentis 3
Room 2 Wave 2

Frigate 2 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Guard
Frigate 2 x Frigate Coreli Safeguard
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Corelatis Captain
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Corelatis Platoon Leader
Sentry 1 x Sentry Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery
Sentry 1 x Sentry Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery
Room 2 Wave 3

Battleship 1 x Battleship Serpentis Tournament Host

Host also drops 2 reports, but 2 reports also get put into your cargo once mission is complete.

Serpentis Industry ( 2 of 2)

Serpentis Industry (2 of 2)
Level 4
Type Distribution
Objective Acquire 5 x Harlots (5.0 m³)
Rewards 1 x Federation Navy Large Armor Repairer + 10.5M ISK (3h 16min)

Mission briefing
"Those blasted Serps just keep bouncing back. They seem determined to profit from the proceedings in some way. After we took out their tournament site, they appear to have immediately put their backup plan into action, namely to put up a brothel for tournament visitors in need of some after-hours entertainment. Their hiring practices leave a lot to be desired. They've abducted some of the finest exotic dancers this system has to offer. My immediate superior, bless his heart, has a particular affinity for one of these dancers, a girl who goes by the name of Layla. I need you to head out to the brothel, blow the living you-know-what out of it and bring the girl back. The Scope will be in your debt, friend. This is an important mission, which will have significant impact on your faction standings."
This site contains special ship restrictions.

Room 1

Room 1 Wave 1

Frigate 3 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Patroller
Frigate 1 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Watchman
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corelior Infantry
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corelior Sentinal
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief
Battleship 1 x Battleship Core Admiral
Battleship 2 x Battleship Core High Admiral
Sentry 4 x Sentry Tower Sentry Serpentis 3
Room 1 Wave 2

Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Def
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Prot
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Corelum Guardian Chief Sen
Battleship 2 x Battleship Core Lord Admiral
Battleship 1 x Battleship Core Grand Admiral
Room 1 Wave 3

Frigate 1 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Patroller
Frigate 2 x Frigate Coreli Guardian Watchman
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Corelior Artillery
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Corelior Cannoneer

Room 2

Room 2 Wave 1

Frigate 1 x Frigate Dire Pithi Demolisher
Frigate 3 x Frigate Dire Pithi Destructor
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Pithior Guerilla
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Pithior Terrorist
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Eraser
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Abolisher
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Pithum Abolisher
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Pithum Eraser
Battleship 3 x Battleship Pith Massacrer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Pith Usurper
8 x Sentries Guristas Sentry

Room 2 Wave 2

Destroyer 5 x Destroyer Pithior Terrorist
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Inferno
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Mortifier
Battleship 2 x Battleship Pith Massacrer
Battleship 4 x Battleship Pith Usurper
Battleship 1 x Battleship Pith Captain

shooting book keeper cause a wave to spawn and i wasn't ready for it, so i don't have a good picture

Room 2 Wave 3

Frigate 2 x Frigate Dire Pithi Arrogator
Frigate 2 x Frigate Dire Pithi Imputor
Frigate 2 x Frigate Dire Pithi Plunderer
Frigate 2 x Frigate Dire Pithi Wrecker
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Abolisher
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Eraser
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Pithum Abolisher
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Pithum Eraser
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Assassin
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Death Dealer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Pith Massacrer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Pith Usurper
8 x Sentries Guristas Annihilation Sentry

+1 elite cruiser

Room 2 Wave 4

Frigate 2 x Frigate Dire Pithi Destructor
Frigate 1 x Frigate Dire Pithi Demolisher
Frigate 1 x Frigate Dire Pithi Invader
Frigate 2 x Frigate Dire Pithi Infiltrator
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Pithior Terrorist
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Pithior Supremacist
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Annihilator
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Dire Pithum Nullifier
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Revolter
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Pithatis Death Dealer
Battleship 4 x Battleship Pith Usurper
3 x Sentries Tower Sentry Guristas 3
2 x Sentries Siege Railgun Sentry

Triggered by killing procurer battleship

Mission flagged done once last enemy is dead.

Last enemy drops -

5 x Harlots (5.0 m³)