Red versus Blue overview setup

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The purpose of this page is to give players an easy graphical guide how to setup their overview for "Red versus Blue" matches - fights against/between corp mates, where your fleet mates are excluded. Basically, it's there so it can be shown to players. Less words -> more pew-pew.


Showing everybody except your fleet mates

You should have your overview already configured following the guide lines found in the Overview Guide (if not, please do so!).

Now please select a tab in your overview and load your PVP setup there. With that as a base, please open your overview settings. In the overview settings, please select the "Filters" tab on top, then select the "States" tab below. Please make sure that the following check boxes are checked (and the remaining ones unchecked), as shown in this image:

Exluding capsules

Now, in friendly battles it could be a good idea to exclude capsules (pods) from the overview, so you don't accidently lock and kill your friends.

In order to make sure pods are not displayed, please open your overview settings (or have them still open) and select the "Filters" tab on top (again), but this time the "Types" tab. Scroll down to "Ships", expand that entry and uncheck the "Capsule" entry (everything else should still be selected as in the standard PVP configuration).


If there are spectators to be present (and you don't want to see&shoot them), you can easily make them "invisible" by tell them to sit in shuttles/rookie ships and exclude exactly those from the overview as you did above with capsules.

Completing setup

Please save your overview setup under a name of your choice - I picked "Red vs. Blue in UNI", but go for what you like.