Hitami Magye

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Hitami Magye is a level 3 agent in Caldari COSMOS located in Otomainen - Rush Town Ruins.

Mercantile Settlers - Confirmation For Your Good Intentions (1 of 5)

Mission briefing
Who are you? I sent a request to my colleague, Kochi Utrainen, to find some suitable mercenaries for hire to help us out on a few missions. If you are interested, I suggest you seek him out first. I won't deal with anyone who hasn't been approved by Kochi. Now leave me alone, please.

Provide 1 x Utrainen's Employment Voucher (1.0 m3) from Kochi Utrainen to agent.

Mercantile Settlers - (2 of 5)

Mission briefing
Before you begin I'd like to explain a few things to you, ―name‖. I am Hitami Magye, of the Mercantile Club, which is a prominent corporation within the Caldari State. I came here with a little over 130 other settlers on a project put together by our Chief Operative, Anken Aronainen. Most of the others are miners or engineers, which are here to complete our building project in the area. We are building a small structure which is to serve as the Mercantile Club's headquarters in Otomainen. It is to serve as the meeting place between various State officials of this solar system. More you need not know.

The project has just started, but we've run into a few problems already. First of all, it was our intention to use the surrounding asteroid belts as a means to acquire minerals for maintaining our structures, as well as components for building extensions to them once we have imported the necessary equipment and facilities. The problem is this run-down craphole, which was supposed to be abandoned, apparently has some rather stingy inhabitants. One of them is a crazy old miner called 'Jorek Lephny', who refuses any sort of deal with us to share the vast wealth of asteroids near here, which he claims as his own.

His license ran out ages ago, so we decided to ignore him and mine the area anyway. That's when we encountered his equally insane friend, Markus. Markus is ... or was ... part of Mordu's Legion, and was hired by Lephny who has made quite a fortune since he started strip mining the area. Markus is on a contract for Lephny to protect his assets from random pirate assaults, which I take it he has to deal with on occasion. However, I didn't expect him to attack law abiding citizens of the State ... but I was wrong. He destroyed our Badger and all our mining equipment on board, but allowed the miners to escape on the ejected capsule.

This is of course a treasonous act, and should be dealt with appropriately. I requested military aid from my superiors, but for some reason they would rather I use hired freelance mercenaries to do the job. Something about the legal implications ... anyway here is where you come in. Use one of the stargates in Rush Town to get to the asteroid belt where Lephny is currently stationed at. Find Lephny, and bring him to me. I will make sure he is brought to a mental institution where he belongs. I don't expect you to go up against Markus, he's way too powerful. Once Lephny has been take care of, I'm sure Markus will leave.

Provide 1 x Jorek Lephny (1.0 m3) from the second stage of Rush Town Ruins to agent.

Mercantile Settlers - To The Health Clinic (3 of 5)

Mission briefing
While we wait for our interrogators to finish extracting the information we need from Zarkona, I'd like you to deliver some very important reports to my superiors on <station>. The last courier I sent to complete this task was ambushed and killed on the way there.

These documents are very important; they contain reports of our activities here for the last few days, and I wouldn't want them to fall into the wrong hands. So make sure you avoid any conflict if possible, and stay clear of pirate infested areas. Good luck.

Transport 1 x Jorek Lephny (1.0 m3) to Otsela VI - Moon 13 - Ishukone Corporation Factory.

Mercantile Settlers - Laser Shortage (4 of 5)

Mission briefing
Since our Badger was destroyed by Markus a while back, with most of our mining equipment on board, we need to find some new supplies. I have ordered a shipment already, but Prompt Delivery is taking it's sweet time to deliver it here. In the meantime, I'd like you to acquire some Miner II's for me, 5 to be exact. If you get them here in time, I'll let you have one of our Co-Processors in exchange, plus a bonus payment should you be extra fast.

Provide 5 x Miner II (25.0 m3) to agent.

Mercantile Settlers - Outlaws (5 of 5)

Mission briefing
We've been scouting the area's near here and have come across an abundance of outlaws. These pirates are a bit strange for city slickers like me, they wear very old fashioned garments and carry spurs (on their boots) instead of insignias as an identification marker. And they seem even more bold than their compatriots deeper within Caldari space, attacking us without warning. A few of our ships have been destroyed, and it's probably only a matter of time before they strike at our position here in Rush Town.

The toughest of the lot that we've encountered so far seem to be the pirates carrying the 'outlaw' spurs. They fly cruiser class ships, and are quire deadly. I can't afford to hire you on a permanent basis, -name, so I'll have to make due with clearing the area for us. You can find most of the outlaws hauled up near Otomainen II's moon. I don't care where you find them, just eliminate as many as you can. Bring back 40 of the outlaw spurs and I'll reward you with an ancient treasure map we discovered in one of the ruins here. I haven't been able to make heads or tails of the map, but someone with your experience might be able to make use of it. Good luck.

Provide 40 x Outlaw Spur (4.0 m3) to agent. As a reward for completing this mission, the agent gives you 1 x Ancient Treasure Map which is requested by Mintu Oshima.