Player-owned starbases

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The POS and You guide gives a view into the world of Player owned structures and how complicated and expensive they can be to run.

Contents of the Guide

  • 1. Skills and Standings
  • 2. Defense
  • 3. Structures and what they do,
  • 4. Uses of a POS and the Types
  • 5. The states (online etc)
  • 6. Fueling + Transporting
  • 7. POS destruction
  • 8. Strategies for setup and ships
  • 9. Cost
  • 10. War!
  • 11. Wormhole Uses
  • 12. Download Linkies.

Download Links

Click here for the EVE Files version.

Click here download the guide via Megaupload (382KB)

Suggestions and feedback

Click here for the EVE-IVY thread.