Blind Seer - Trauma (3 of 4)

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Wiki Manager, Arin Mara

Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 10x Freed Pet Slaves (10 m3)
Mission briefing
My head is still aching from my last divination. I don't think I will be ready for one for some time now. These old bones of mine are getting tired. I must rest soon. But before I do you must swear to me you'll take care of an ugly business that came to my attention just now.

It seemed an Amarr Holder exiled from the Empire has taken up a residence here in Ani. This particular Holder is notorious for his disgusting depravities. He hold slaves like they were his pets, forcing them to participate in his cruel games. Fortunately, several of these poor slaves managed to escape the evil clutches of their master. They are now in my care, but are in need of more then I am capable of giving them.

Please help these unfortunate souls by transporting them over to the Servant Sisters of EVE station in Lanngisi, where they can be properly cared for. Meanwhile, I will have my disciples locate this crazed Holder so he can be dealt with before he hurts anyone else.

Transport 10x Freed Pet Slaves from Traun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE Bureau to Lanngisi III - Moon 2 - Sisters of EVE Bureau.