Iliere Angetyn

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Iliere Angetyn
Iliere Angetyn.jpg
Level 2
Location Augnais (0.5)
Sinq Laison
Beacon Nickel & Dime Store
Affiliation Trust Partners
Thukker Tribe

Iliere Angetyn is a level 2 Gallente COSMOS agent located in Augnais.

Business Associates - Prologue/Prelude

Level 2
Objective Acquire a Trust Partners Business Card.
Rewards 5,000 ISK + 5,000 ISK (time bonus)
Mission briefing
Try talking to some in the vicinity and get back to me once you have a Trust Partners Business Card.

The Trust Partners Business Card is a reward for Pattok Nortul's mission Concerned Citizens - Run, Boy, Run! (3 of 3)

Business Associates - Hit Man (1 of 4)

Level 2
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 1x Surveillance Recordings (0.1 m3).
Rewards 'Shady' Sensor Booster BPC (3 run) + 100,000 ISK (time bonus)
Mission briefing
Hm. Alright. You see, Algintal was such a nice place a few years back. The traffic through its systems and the many tourists meant we could operate with minimal risk. But now that has all changed with the arrival of the Wiyrkomi corporation and their lackeys, Roden Shipyards. What were once standard border-running operations now require much more time and effort to pull off.

What is worse, the Caldari think they own the place just because they exploited a loophole in the trade agreement between the State and the Federation. They're trying to muscle us out. I want to nip that bullshit in the bud and strike back at the Wiyrkomi. That's where you come in, <Pilot>.

The Wiyrkomi have installed a surveillance outpost here in Augnais. The problem is, I only found out about it a few days ago, after I'd just completed an important deal with a Republic contact of mine. If the Wiyrkomi listened in on the deal, they could compromise the Thukkers' position here in Algintal. I thought it was too late to do anything about it, but the security measures of the Wiyrkomi are working against them here. The surveillance outpost operates in total radio silence and only sends out its recordings in a shuttle once a week to the Wiyrkomi headquarters over in Fluekele. The shuttle will depart tomorrow, so there is still time to take care of this ... problem. I want you to head over to the surveillance outpost and take out that shuttle. Make sure you locate the surveillance recordings and confiscate them. Bring them back to me, and we're back on track..

The agent sends you to destroy a surveillance outpost. Try to avoid destroying the Caldari Navy frigates if you want to avoid standing losses.

Business Associates - Bag Man (2 of 4)

Level 2
Objective Acquire 2x Spoiled Drugs (0.4 m³)
Rewards 1x 'Shady' Sensor Booster BPC (3 Run) + 1,000x Federation Navy Tungsten Charge M (time bonus)
Mission briefing
Head over to the Skeletal Comet in Deltole, locate the wrecked ship, and get the drugs out

The drugs are located in the scorched cans at Contested Gallente Skeleton Comet - Skeleton Comet.

Business Associates - Dirty Laundry (3 of 4)

Level 2
Objective Transport Cargo 1x Sealed Container (50.0 m³).
Rewards 75,000 ISK + 75,000 ISK (time bonus)
Mission briefing
Yes, in fact. I'm feeling very confident in your abilities, so I'm setting up a big job for you. But before that, I need you to take care of a smaller matter for me. I have acquired certain items that cast Veko Tallaja, the operation supervisor for Wiyrkomi here in Algintal, in a rather negative light. I'm not going to use this stuff just now, but I need to store it somewhere safe.

I want you to head over to Fluekele and drop it off at the Pend Insurance station there. A friend of mine will then place it in a safe-deposit box there. I know it's a trivial thing I'm asking, but this is very sensitive material that absolutely can't get into the wrong hands ... and, besides, I need more time to prepare for your big mission.

Business Associates - Kill the Competition (4 of 4)

Level 2
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 4x Smuggler DNA (0.4 m³).
Rewards 1x 'Hustler' Heavy Neutron Blaster I BPC (3 Run) + 75,000 ISK (time bonus)
Mission briefing
Algintal has always been a favored spot for smugglers. It's far enough out of the way so as not to attract too much attention from the authorities. Besides us at Trust Partners, the Serpentis are out here in force, as well as several independents. Usually we try to stay well clear of each other, but sometimes a group arrives that thinks it can muscle everyone else out. One such group has been making a nuisance of itself recently, and it's time to take them out. We've played Mr. Nice Guy until now, but no longer.

The smugglers in question have built themselves a nice little hideout near here. We're not playing any games here, so killing them is the only item on the agenda. It was hell to track them down, so make sure you take them all out in one go so I don't have to repeat the process later. If you pull this off with style, I'm sure some associates of mine would love for you to work a bit for them. When you bring me those dead smugglers' DNA, I'll give you some ship logs that my associates need to tamper with a bit to make them seem as innocent as a virgin's butt. Those logs should be ample proof to them that you're a trusted friend.