User:Mu'ad Diib/Career Chart

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This page is a work in progress at the moment (because the chart is being updated, see history below) but some of the information is current and 'live'.
As the project progresses, further changes will be made to update the page until the revised chart is fully uploaded and available.


In 2016 Altrue created the chart as an infographic that could show various careers. progressions and activities within New Eden so that pilots could easily find things to do in the game that would be enjoyable and of interest to them. The chart showed a range of activities from simple PvE mission running, mining, PI, trading and others al the way through to complex PvP and scamming. For each activity, the chart showed an approximation of the risk/gain ratio so that pilots could easily spot an activity that fitted their individual playstyle.

The original version of the chart can be found on the (now archived) website.

In 2021Mu'ad Diib created a completely redrawn, updated and revised version of this chart. At the time of writing this is under review and at a closed beta stage and is being proofread and having amendments made but when the chart goes 'live', links will be posted here to facilitate downloading the chart along with release notes and how pilots can suggest future changes. If you'd like to read up on the progress of the project so far then there is a thread on the Eve Online Forums.

Available Versions

There are two main versions of the chart, as well as extracts. The resource that will be most suitable for you will depend on what your final use is.

Interactive Chart

The interactive version of the chart is a PDF format file with each activity card clickable so that this will lead you to relevant CCP, Eve University, and other websites, YouTube videos and so on, to add in additional content to the readable static activity information presented on the card.
Link to go here when available

Interactive Chart Extracts

There are five separate chart extracts all of which preserve the interactivity of the main chart. These are useful for when there might be information overload from looking at the whole chart and for times when you want to concentrate on a single genre of activity, for example, PvE, PvP, Industry, Corporations/Alliances or Community Activities.
Link to go here when available

Poster Size Chart

The poster size version of the chart is a high-resolution PDF/Vector format file, sized to 617mm H X 966mm W @ 300dpi. The file is particularly suitable for printing out yourself and/or taking to the local print shop to create a poster version, should you want something cool/awesome for your wall.
Link to go here when available

Download Package

Whilst you can download the chart variants above as standalone items there is also an easily downloadable compressed package of files that are downloadable. This includes the Interactive and Poster Size Charts, the Interactive Chart Extracts, as well as a list of all the hyperlinks in the interactive chart (in RTF format) and a release notes document.
Link to go here when available

Updates and Amendments

The chart is a live document insofar as regular updates (most likely yearly or bi-yearly) are planned after the initial release. If you have constructive feedback or suggested improvements these can be fed through to Mu'ad Diib either via in game email or by commenting on the forum page for the project here.

Version history

Some brief version notes in descending order ...

  • Version 2.0 – First version of the revised chart created by Mu'ad Diib in 2021. Completely redrawn, keeping the functionality of version 1.2; Overall look and feel updated and enhanced; interactive version and extracts created; Eve Online Wiki page created.
  • Version 1.2 – Last version created by Altrue in 2016.

Information and Statisitics

The chart was drawn up in Adobe Illustrator and InDesign.
There are 180 hyperlinked boxes and around 9,748 individual graphical elements.
I have no idea how many hours went into the chart but it was lot!