Joining the Faculty

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Without our faculty of volunteer teaching staff, Eve University could not exist. These players selflessly volunteer their time and effort to teach new players about the various carreer paths and options available in EVE. However, just as most UNI members eventually move on from Eve University, some of our Teachers also leave us. This is why we are constantly seeking Students and Graduates who are willing to step up and teach what they've learned to a new generation of UNI pilots.

This article explains how you can become a UNI Teacher, what is expected of you if you teach, and what you can expect from Eve University in return.

Becoming a Teacher

Teachers are the backbone of what makes Eve University Eve University. While players can get EVE advice from a variety of sources, only Eve University consistently teaches live in-game classes on all EVE subjects. If you feel that you're good at explaining things, teaching might just be for you!

What does being a Teacher mean?

Being a Teacher with Eve University means you spend some of your own (in-game) time helping other players by holding classes. While all classes are welcome, we are especially looking for teachers who will teach classes with regularity - even if it is only once a month. Being a Teacher in Eve University means people will also turn to you for advice, as new players recognise your efforts to help them and your knowledge in a certain field. If you like helping others, being a UNI Teacher can be a very rewarding experience.

We expect UNI Teachers to follow our guidelines and procedures, as described here:

How do I become a Teacher?

To become a UNI Teacher, you must first meet these qualifications:

  • Current UNI membership - if you are not currently in the UNI, then you can be a Guest Lecturer, but not a Teacher or Professor - see below for more information on the Guest Lecturer program
  • E-UNI Student or Graduate title earned and awarded
  • Willingness to help - a genuine desire to help and assist new players in Eve University
  • Availability - you must be willing and able to teach at least one class per month during your tenure as a Teacher
  • Demonstrated experience or expertise in one or more aspects of EVE - you need to know something about what you are teaching!
  • Ability to teach - you will need to show us that you can communicate effectively to groups of people and conduct classes
  • Agreement to comply with UNI class development and delivery standards - you must agree to follow our rules and procedures for developing or updating our class syllabus library, scheduling and delivering classes, and reporting class results

If you meet these qualifications, and wish to become a Teacher, complete this application for an interview with the Teaching Manager. If accepted, you will then become an Associate Teacher. This is basically a trial period for a new teacher. You will receive access to the Teacher's Lounge forum and our in-game chat channel, where you will find a lot of useful information and helpful advice.

As an Associate Teacher, you will be required to submit class notes to the Training Manager or Education Director for approval, before you schedule a class. The class notes should describe both the structure and contents of the class you plan to teach. We always leave the choice of topic up to the teacher, but we do have a standard curriculum (collection of class topics) that always need teaching. Once your class notes have been approved, you can schedule the class on a time and date convenient for you. We prefer that one or more experienced teachers sit in on the class of Associate Teachers, although if none are available, a class can be held without them.

After an Associate Teacher has taught three classes successfully and submitted post-class reports on each, he or she will become a full Teacher. Teachers do not need to have their class notes approved, and can schedule classes as they so desire without prior review or approval.

What is expected of me as a Teacher?

As a UNI Teacher, we expect that you conduct classes at Eve University with reasonable consistency. This does not mean that you have to teach a class every week - once a month is fine - as long as you do so every month. This should be done out of your own initiative. Do not wait for a manager or director to poke you about teaching.

We also expect you to take care of yourself: do not get burned out. Some new teachers start teaching multiple classes a week, but soon stop teaching because the novelty wears off and they get tired. Long term consistency is more important than short term quantity to us.

We also expect you to comply with our standards for class development and delivery. This means that you use our standard format for class notes, and either add them to our syllabus library, or update and improve an existing syllabus there. You most also complete a short online questionnaire after each class, so we can track class delivery and attendance.

What can I expect from Eve University?

Eve University always supports its teachers. If you have a class that requires resources (minerals, BPCs, modules, etc), funding can be arranged through Eve University's logistics department.

Involvement in the university as a faculty member is also a stepping stone for higher positions within the university staff.

Becoming a professor

Professors are to teachers what teachers are to students. Professors are acknowledged as extremely committed members of the Eve University faculty, having proven their dedication to helping Eve University improve its teaching programme.

What does being a professor mean?

Being a professor means you are recognised as a very valued member of the Eve University staff, the créme de la créme of the faculty.

How do I become a professor?

In order to become a Professor, an existing teacher has to meet certain requirements:

  • The teacher must write a 'dissertation'. This can be one of the following:
  • A new class syllabus for a class not previously documented OR
  • An extensive guide on a topic not previously (or incorrectly or outdated) documented
  • The teacher has to have a consistent teaching record, at least one class a week for the past six weeks
  • The teacher has to have helped at least one player become a teacher

What is expected of me as a professor?

Professors are expected to stay active as teachers, teaching at least one class every two weeks. Professors are also expected to help train new teachers by sitting in on classes by Probationary Teacher, help with ironing class notes and nurturing the attitude and talents of new teachers.

What can I expect from Eve University

As highly valued faculty members, Professors can expect the following:

  • Graduate access to the corporate hangars
  • Forum access to the Dean's Lounge, a forum otherwise restricted to the directors and managers of Eve University.
