Template:Infobox Service Status/doc

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This template is used to do something.
E-UNI_Emblem_Square.png as default image.
{{Infobox Service Status
| name              =
| department        = 
| statusnotes       = 
| availablefrom     = 
| contact           = 
| status            = 
  • name : The EVE University service. If omitted, the name of the page will be used.
  • image : The name of the uploaded profile image of the coordinator, with extension and without parenthesis. When no file name is given, E-UNI_Emblem_Square.png is used as the default.
  • department : The EVE University department in control of the service.
  • statusnotes : If any important information regarding the status (such as reason for stoppage or delay) should be noted, do so here.
  • availablefrom : Locations from which the service can be accessed, such as 'Forums', 'Discord' or a list of stations.
  • primarycontact : Optional in-game, discord, or forum name of who to best contact for further questions.
{{Infobox Service Status
| name              = Stride Improvement
| department        = Ministry of Silly Walks
| statusnotes       = Only available every other Tuesday
| availablefrom     = forums<br>Stacmon<br>
| contact           = John Cleese
| status            = active
Stride Improvement
Stride Improvement
Run By:
Ministry of Silly Walks
Status Notes Only available every other Tuesday
Where to Access

Contact John Cleese