EVE University Medals

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The management team of EVE University will recognize extraordinary accomplishments and contributions by the corporation's members when warranted, and decorate deserving members with special medals.

The listings and figures on this page are current as of 25 May 2011.

EVE University Graduate


This medal is presented to those who have demonstrated detailed understanding of the nuances and mechanics of capsule piloting.

It denotes that the holder has spent a term of not less than three months within Eve University and is able to embark competently on their own adventures in New Eden, as well as signifying they have demonstrated a commitment to their fellow pilots.

Its inscription reads: Per Eruditio, Vis - 'Through Knowledge, Power'

This medal has been awarded 662 times.

Director Emeritus


This medal is presented to those who have selflessly dedicated their time and resources to Eve University and its students as a director.

We honor these people on behalf of past, present and future capsuleers, as their personal sacrifice and contributions have made New Eden a better place for everyone.

It's inscription reads: Nihil agere delectat - 'It is pleasant to do nothing'

This medal has been awarded 12 times.

Start of Outstanding Service


This medal is presented to those who have and put the benefit of Eve University and its membership before their own in the execution of their duties as a member.

It signifies that they have acted selflessly and with great resolve, utilising countless hours of their own time for the corporation and all its members, demonstrating an outstanding commitment to their fellow capsuleers.

Its inscription reads: Concordia res parvae crescent - 'Work together to accomplish more'

This medal has been awarded 30 times.
