Skillbooks from Loyalty Point Stores

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This guide is a catalog of which Loyalty Point stores have which Social-category skillbooks available for sale. It is not a complete catalog, and assistance is requested in filling in the gaps.

Background On Loyalty Points

When running missions from an NPC corporation, the rewards typically consist of ISK and Loyalty Points. Loyalty Points are a specialized non-transferable currency that can only be spent at the Loyalty Point stores of the same NPC corporation that gave you Loyalty Points. Loyalty Point stores can sell items that are not otherwise first-hand obtainable by any other means, though some mission runners turn a profit by buying items from Loyalty Point stores and then reselling the same items on the open Market for a large quantity of ISK (thus effectively converting Loyalty Points into ISK).

To view what NPC corporations you have Loyalty Points with in-game, go to your NeoCom, click "Journal", click the "AGENTS" tab, and click the "LOYALTY POINTS" subtab. The list shown can be sorted alphabetically by corporation, or numerically by quantity of Loyalty Points.

To view what the Loyalty Point store of an NPC corporation has for sale, you must have at least one Loyalty Point with that corporation (meaning that you must have run a mission for them at some point in the past, else you will not be allowed to view what the Loyalty Point store has for sale). If this is true, then travel to a station owned by that NPC corporation, dock up, and click the Loyalty Point Store button in the Station Services window. The list of items you can see can be filtered, and by default only items that you can purchase right now are shown. However, you can change the view filter to show you everything available, regardless of whether or not you can afford it right now. All items require both ISK and Loyalty Points to purchase directly from the Loyalty Point store, and some items require additional items as part of the purchase. All items are required for the purchase, and lacking the necessary Loyalty Points, ISK, or items will prevent you from making the desired purchase. The selection of wares from all Loyalty Point stores of the same NPC corporation are uniform and constant; the selection only varies with the NPC corporation that owns that station, it does not vary with time or from station-to-station of the same corporation.

Background On Social Skills

In the Social category of skills are a set of skills that can increase the amount of Loyalty Points you gain when doing missions. For example, the in-game description of "Trade Connections" read "Understanding of the way trade is conducted at the corporate level. Improves loyalty point gain by 5% per level when working for agents in the following corporation divisions: Distribution, Storage, Production, Accounting, Mining, Marketing".

These skills only affect agents of certain divisions, and (with the exception of Research and Development agents, who are related to Tech 2 production) each division of agent benefits from two partially overlapping. A chart of which divisions are affected by which skills may be viewed here:

The full list of such skills is: Bureaucratic Connections, Financial Connections, High Tech Connections, Labor Connections, Military Connections, Political Connections, and Trade Connections. While most skillbooks are seeded by CCP on the open Market (meaning that they are sold by NPCs), the Loyalty-Point-increasing skillbooks are not seeded on the open Market and are instead seeded only in Loyalty Point stores. This situation is further complicated by the fact that not all Loyalty Point skillbooks are available from the store of any given corporation.

This guide and it's usage

The purpose of this guide is to document which NPC corporation Loyalty Point stores have which skillbooks for sale. At the time of this writing, the original editor of this wiki page is not aware of any other kind of skillbooks that are only available from Loyalty Point stores, though if any such exist, then they could be easily included within the scope of this guide. Each of the following sections of this guide will be dedicated to an NPC faction, and all corporations of that faction with reported data will be listed in it's appropriate section in alphabetical order by corporation name. Under each corporation listing, all of the skillbooks available will be listed along with their Loyalty Point and ISK cost.

If you regularly do missions for a corporation that isn't listed here, then it is requested that you take a moment to look at the Loyalty Point store of the corporation you mission for, see what skillbooks are available, and insert that information here.

Ammar Empire

No data available, as yet.

Ammatar Mandate

No data available, as yet.

Caldari State

Caldari Business Tribunal:

Financial Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Trade Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Gallente Federation

Transstellar Shipping:

Financial Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Trade Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Federation Navy:

Military Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Political Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Minmatar Republic

Eifyr and Co.:

Bureaucratic Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Labor Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

High Tech Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Pator Tech:

Financial Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Trade Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Republic Parliament:

Financial Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Trade Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Sebiestor Tribe:

Bureaucratic Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Labor Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

High Tech Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

Sisters of EVE

The Servant Sisters of EVE:

Bureaucratic Connections - 15k LP, 10M ISK

Labor Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK

High Tech Connections - 15K LP, 10M ISK