User talk:DeSaros Umekawa

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Making a Difference workspace

{{Curriculum2011Project}} [[Category:Syllabi]] [[Category:Tier 2 Classes]] [[Category:Classes]] [[Category:Work in progress]]

Class Information

This chapter contains the standard information of this class pertaining to scheduling and class contents. The General Information should be sufficient to create a proper class topic for scheduling on the Eve University forum. Additional information relevant to the teacher is listed under Notes for the Teacher.

General Information

Illustration link for class description on the Eve University forum: http://xxx.jpg

Describe the general purpose and objectives of the class, and the intended audience.

  • Duration: 30-60 minutes
  • Location: Docked in any station

Class contents:

  • Introductions
  • Making the Difference
    • Helping the Student Populations
  • Joining the Staff
    • IVY League Navy Officer Program
    • Logistics Department
    • Public Relations
    • Personnel Officers
    • The Education Department
  • Questions and Answer session

Student requirements:

  • Mumble registration and access - make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the class begins. Use this guide for set-up: Mumble
  • Access to the Class.E-UNI in-game chat channel

Additional information: This class is primarily lecture delivered in the Class.E-UNI channel in Mumble, followed by Q&A.

Notes for the Teacher

Required materials:

  • Class.E-UNI chat channel, to receive questions and post relevant links
  • A functional, working knowledge of each department, what they do, and who is the point of contact
  • Links to all subject materials covered.

Class Contents


So you want to know how YOU can help the university!

This class is designed for Freshmen and Sophomore students who are looking to do more in the University than just attend classes, mission, mine, and station-spin. Because of the nature of this class, it can be regarded as a follow-up to Introduction to EVE University.

Introduce yourself and give the class a brief history on your experiences as they relate to E-UNI operations.

We have a few ground rules for this class:

  • Please put your Mumble settings on "Push to Talk" if you have not already done so.
  • Feel free to type any questions in the Class.E-UNI chat channel as we proceed - I will try to answer your questions as they come during the class, if they are relevant to the current topic.
  • At the end of my lecture, we'll open up the chat to all questions
  • You should be docked up safely in a station

Class Content: Making the Difference

Before we begin, I would first like to commend you all on your choice to remain with EVE University. As an organization consisting of pilots with many different experience levels, some of you may still, even after a couple months, feel like you are still a small fish in a very large pond. The fact of the matter is that you are, but you are growing every day. You grow in your knowledge and experiences, taking that knowledge with you every time you decide to log in.

If you are here, listening to this lecture, a voice within you has directed you to investigate what more you can do. Perhaps it speaks softly, seeking some way to repay the University for the knowledge you now have, or maybe it speaks to you, edging you into a more critical role. For a few of you, I would bet the voice is so loud that it drives you to serve your fellow Unistas in everything you do.

It matters not how loud the voice is. The fact is, you answered it by merely attending this lecture. Let us begin exploring the options in which you can fulfill that voice, whether soft or loud.

Everyday Routines

As an experienced University pilot, you have most likely experienced the University in a number of ways. Whether you have chain-fired mission after mission, listened to class after class, or even found yourself hunting war targets for hours on end, you have a good, working knowledge of the rules within the University. Perhaps you have learned them all from the Wiki, or attended the Introduction lecture, but in any case, you have knowledge to pass on.

University Chat Channels

As a member of the Ivy League, you have access to essentially all of our in-game chat channels. Each one is listed here with ways you can be an asset to people who are found within them.

The Commons: Chat.E-Uni

As a new student, most turn to the wisdom that is found in the Chat.E-Uni chat channel. It is here that current and past University members can exchange stories, and learn things that are well outside of EVE Online. Join these conversations! Make yourself an active member within the chat. Let people get to know you as an experienced member within the University.

The ILN Mess Hall: Mess.ILN

This room is designed, first and foremost, as a place for current university pilots to discuss combat concepts, fittings, strategies, and tactics. Understand that this is NOT the place to discuss current fleet operations, so keep the discussion hypothetical. Share your experiences, link your successful fits, and help the new pilots get their bearings. Effective combat pilots make for more effective fleets.

The Classroom: Class.E-Uni

Lectures can be boring. Some of them are down-right sleepers. You can assist teachers with with classes if you can anticipate their class needs. Fortunately for you, almost every class is published on the wiki, and if you can find the Syllabus for the class, you can easily help with linking critical information, pulling down examples, and being informed to answer questions while the class is in session. Just be sure not to be 'too' helpful, as the teacher still runs the class and doesn't need a substitute.

The Public, Public Channel: E-UNI

This channel may be familiar to you, considering the amount of time some may have spent in the recruitment queue. This is where potential University students wait for their interviews. This room, full of applicants, is always bustling with questions from players that aren't even in the University but have needs anyways. You can spend time here as well, answering questions for non-University members, all the while showing the public that we don't stop educating because of a corp tag. We can educate everyone. It's just a matter of time.

Mumble Voice Communications

Having mumble access is one of the perks that come with University membership. New students listen to lecture after lecture, getting stuffed full of information. At the end of the class, when the instructor has gone, some students still have questions. Take the time to answer these questions, become an expert in the material, and give the new students good, solid answers. The student who asked may easily have asked the same question that bothered the student who did not.

Running E-Uni Fleets

The fleet is the core of PvP combat in EVE, and being a member of fleets is the very first thing you can do to assist other pilots. If you have flown in fleets before, you understand the thrill that comes with locking down a war target, or engaging the flashy pirate that came through the gate you were camped on. You have valuable experience that others can learn, and fleets with more pilots have a higher chance to succeed.

If you are comfortable with it, try your hand at leading a fleet of your own. Nothing gives you more experience in fleet operations like sitting in the big chair. As you develop experience in this position, you learn more than just tactics and techniques. You learn how to lead people, a skill that is not only useful in EVE, but in any occupation you may move on to.

Understand, however, that these fleets do not necessarily need to be PvP fleets. Feel free to get younger pilots into your mission fleets, mining operations, and ask them to come along on whatever other fleets that you feel they are suited for.

Contributing to the WIKI

As you study particular fields, you are highly encouraged to utilize the University Wiki, known throughout EVE as a comprehensive source for wisdom and knowledge. From time to time, EVE Online evolves, leaving a need to update, add, or delete sections of information. As a more advanced member of the University, you have the access to make changes to the Wiki. Understand, however, that we expect a full, detailed understanding of what it is you are changing before you make the change. If you change something, be absolutely sure of it. Our reputation is maintained by our display of accurate information.

Joining the Staff

Everything up to this point has been ways that every University pilot, regardless of position, can do for their fellow students in the University. Some of you may be happy with knowing that you can make a difference in very subtle ways. Some of you, however, hear a louder voice, and wish to become a member of the University staff. Moving forward, I will discuss the departments within the University, as well as what they do for us all.

Ivy League Navy Officer Program

Every member of EVE University is, from their very first day, a member of the Ivy League Navy. To that extent, the Navy needs good, qualified leaders that can teach, train, and develop exceptional combat pilots. You, as an Officer of the ILN, lead by example. The Officer Program is currently accepting applications.

Please visit Becoming an ILN Officer for more information.

Logistics Department

The Logistics Department is one of several departments that make up Eve University, but it is also the department with which most students will have the least personal contact. If you're looking for a job that offers little in general communication but includes detailed, meticulous, busy work, look into the following Logistics sections.

Many of the Logistics departments utilize the chat channel Industry.E-UNI for internal communications.

Mining Section

The Mining Section is responsible for all the mineral and mining needs of the University. This includes leading and coordinating mining operations for students, hiring Mining Officers, implementing refining programs, expansion into future mining programs, and supplying minerals for all logistics projects. If you are an accomplished miner, hauler, or just like the sight of space rocks, this may be for you.

Research Section

The Research Section is responsible for all research oriented programs for the University. This includes management of the POS research jobs, maintaining the University blueprint library, implementation of research procedures and policies, hiring Research Officers, research of blueprints for other logistic projects, and future expansion into blueprint copy sales and production. The Research Section does not grant access to the POS for research. It only supervises the research process and delivers jobs.

Production Section

The Production Section manufactures all ships, modules, or ammo needed by the University. This includes replacement ships for war or events, hiring Production Officers, creating modules and ammo to fill the student hangars, the production of items for sale, and all other manufacturing required by the University. If you want to take raw and refined materials and turn them into something more useful, this section is for you.

Hangars Section

The Hangar Section oversees the entire hangar structure for the University. This includes hiring Hangar Officers, stocking the student hangars, sorting donations, organizing University assets, implementing item security procedures, and overseeing The Skillbook Program. Applicants for this position should expect a more in-depth background evaluation and an interrogation-style interview. You can also expect long hours working through the titles and hangar access queue.

Market Section

The market section runs the University's internal ship market, to include the Purchase Your Own Ship (PYOS) Program. They primarily manage ship sales for the University, as well as managing the Ship Replacement Program.

Public Affairs Office

The purpose of the Public Affairs Office is to present the University to the public. They are experts in public speaking, interviewing, and presenting the University to the rest of EVE. They are responsible for keeping the University News flowing freely, giving us articles to read on our homepage:

Recruitment to this office is very limited.

Education Department

This department is the heart of the University. Every member of the Education works very hard to ensure that students are properly instructed in the knowledge of EVE. It is here that we make the most difference, and without this aspect, there would be no University at all. The Education Department is divided into Teachers and Mentors

Teaching the Masses: Teachers

Teachers make up most of the Education Department, offering classes to all active students within the University. The call for experienced pilots, such as yourselves, never ends. Teachers mainly come from the ranks of the students who have moved up and past the life of a student. Some teachers come from outside, wanting to impart the knowledge they have gained while living lives that University students, by the nature of the rules, cannot live.

Becoming a teacher requires the Sophomore or Graduate title, both earned and awarded, before you can be inducted. Also, a good, working knowledge of subject matter is required, for teachers need to have a solid foundation to build on.

For more information, please read the Joining The Faculty page.

The Individual Effort: Mentors

The purpose of the Mentor Program is to help new players in EVE to understand the game better and more rapidly, by teaming them with more experienced players who can provide practical advice and coaching. Many of our teachers are also mentors as well, and doing both is encouraged.

In the program, you will be assigned up to four students to mentor, and you should make yourself available to them. The students are usually selected based on your indicated play time zones, so this should not be difficult. Corresponding via EVE-mail is acceptable and encouraged.

For more information regarding becoming a mentor, please read the Mentor Program page.

Class Wrap-up

I would like to commend all of you, once again, for the service you have put into EVE University. Your interest in helping serve the University further shows that we are doing something right, and by helping your fellow members you help us grow even more.

If you would like any information regarding any of the mentioned sections, please search the Wiki for each section and find out more. In each section you should find the staff manager's name. If you find yourself interested, send them an EVE-mail and let them know. If you never ask, they will never know.

The University is now in your hands. Take the light of the University and make it brighter!

Q & A

Thanks and Feedback

Thank all of the students for their attendance. Ask for feedback in the form of EVE-mails and thank them for their time.