Applying to EVE University

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Welcome! If you've arrived here you're (presumably!) looking to join EVE University, New Eden's oldest and best known educational institution. Our Personnel Officers (POs) do their work unpaid out of goodwill. Please follow all the steps provided to make their job easier so you don't waste their time. Particularly note the further information linked in Step 8 for when EVE University is at war, which can be quite often.


Before you proceed with your application process, please make sure that you...

  • Are applying with your main character, we only accept "mains" as in the character you play the most, or on most cases the one who has the highest SP. We also only permit one character per player in Eve University at a time, though it may be possible to change your character with Personnel Management approval.
  • Have done at least three of the tutorial and career agent mission chains.
  • Don't have a negative security status, as described in Step-1 of the application process.
  • Don't have any standings towards Khanid Innovation and Wiyrkomi Peace Corps, please read Step-1 for more details.
  • Are prepared to follow our strict policies prohibiting profanity and abusive or sexual content within its official chat channels and these rules extend to your character name. If your name is deemed potentially offensive by your PO you may be asked to change it or be rejected outright.
  • Are prepared to give us honest answers during interview as the faintest hint of dishonesty will generally lead to outright rejection.
  • Are prepared to accept any outcome given by the Personnel Officer regarding your application, whether it's an acceptance or a rejection.

If by some reason you can't fulfill any of the criteria listed above, please direct your interview request to the "I need to talk to a Senior Personnel Officer" option on Step-6 of the application process.


<div style=' margin: 0.25em 0.5em; border:2px dotted The process can take several days to complete. Whilst you wait please complete the tutorial and career agent mission chains. They will provide you with ISK, ships, skillbooks and an all-important taste of the various aspects of EVE life. Completing these chains are a requirement for new players!

***IMPORTANT*** Completing the steps below is a requirement of a successful application, it is not a guarantee that your application will be successful. EVE University retains the right to reject any applicant at any point during the process. If you are rejected, you will not be told the reason why! This is because it would be far too easy for an applicant to re-try the process with a new character were they to be told exactly where they went wrong. This is an unfortunate necessity and is common practice in EVE.

I have read the above and ready to proceed.

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