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T1 Destroyers

All: The destroyer is a class of ship that is larger than a frigate. It has a larger signature radius and will thus take more damage from larger ships than a Frigate will.

Destroyers also have more high slots than Frigates, which allow for fitting more weapons to chew through L1 missions more quickly than the smaller frigate. All destroyer class ships are specialized for direct damage weapons (e.g. blasters, rails, etc.) rather than missiles.

Another role that destroyers excel in are use as salvage vessels. With the large number of high slots, destroyers can handle numerous Salvager and Tractor_Beam modules.

Each race has only one destroyer class ship.

T2 Destroyers: Interdictors (Dictor)

These are useless in high and low sec, however, when they get into 0.0, they become one of the most important ships available. Their role is launching warp disruption probes, usually called bubbles. Those probes create a warp disruption field in a 20km radius from the probe, and inside that field, nothing can warp, nomatter how many stabs they fit. Anyone trying to warp to a spot within 150 (iirc) km of the edge of the bubble will be pulled to the edge of it, although only if the bubble is in line between the 2 objects that the ship is warping between. Interdictors and HICs (heavy interdictor) are the only ships that can tackle titans and motherships.