Micro Jump Drives

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The micro jump drive (MJD) is a module for battleships (including faction battleships) and their T2 variants (Black Ops & Marauders). It allows the ship to instantly travel 100km in the direction the ship is facing. Upon activation, there's a "warm up" delay of 12 seconds and after activation, a 3 minute "cool down" before you can reactivate it. It was introduced in the Retribution patch.

It was said MJDs for cruisers and frigates may eventually follow.


  • The ship's velocity and direction is maintained after a jump, so if you were moving at 200m/s toward the sun just before the jump is executed, you'll be 100km closer toward the sun and still moving at 200m/s.
  • Note that the velocity and direction is maintained before the jump, not when the module was activated.
  • You cannot activate your MJD if you've instructed your ship to warp.
  • You can activate your MJD during an align. You cannot issue additional movement commands during the MJD spool up, your ship will only follow the last instruction you gave it, be it an align instruction or any other.
  • Instructing your ship to warp while the MJD is spooling up is not possible, however since your ship retains its alignment, if you were aligned to a celestial before the jump you will be able to warp immediately after the jump.
  • You can be moving away from the front of a station and turn around just before the 12 second delay. You might then end up on the other side of the station. Any objects in the path of the jump have no effect and are unaffected.
  • If you try to deactivate the MJD while it is charging, you will still jump.
  • When charging, your ship will go to max speed and you cannot stop it.
  • If the MJD is charging and you are warp scrammed during the spool up, your jump will fail.
  • Warp disruptors do not affect the MJD, only warp scramblers.
  • If you activate the MJD, get warp scrammed but break the scramble before the jump, you will still jump.
  • Warp core stabilisers do not prevent warp scramblers from disabling your MJD.
  • The timer doesn't reset after re-docking. In fact, you can't even unfit the module till the timer finishes.
  • MJDs work in bubbles.
  • If you have a lock on something and then micro-jump, you maintain that lock provided the target is still in range. Conversely, if an enemy has a lock on you, they will retain the lock after the jump provided you're still in range.


The MJD requires Micro Jump Drive Operation I skill to use. The skill gives a 5% bonus to reducing the activation time of the MJD. The skill requires Navigation IV and Warp Drive Operation II.

So at level 5 it'll take 9 seconds instead of 12. Three seconds can make a difference. If an interceptor going at 8km/s comes at you, you're going to get at 24km leeway.


Large Micro Jump Drive:

Cap Cost: 786 GJ

Activation Time: 12 sec

Reactivation Delay: 180 sec

Sig Radius: 150%

Potential Uses

  • The most obvious use is for long range setups to stay at range or escape an enemy that has closed.
  • Alternatively the MJD can be used offensively, for example to jump 100km through bubbles, which cannot be done by warp drive even with a good warp in.
  • MJD can be used to make strategic bookmarks around gates or stations (but a MWD fast frigate would be better)
  • A group of battleships that have warped together can spread out from each other relatively quickly upon arrival, if each points in a different direction before all MJDs execute (the battleships don't have to warp together at all either)
  • You can snipe some distance from a gate and when a target jumps in, you can activate the MJD and fire weapons. If the target tries to reach you before the MJD activates, you'll gain 100km to retarget and shoot again. This would require the target to be slow enough/you can snipe very far depending on how far the target can move in 12 seconds.

