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FW Q&A [Ratharn Drakonis & Chesterfield Fancypants]

First points:

  • Explain who we are, where we come from, what we do.
  • Explain what the "class" is. A basic overview of what FW is, fighting in low, the mechanics of plexes, and money making.
  • Explain that if anyone has questions, we'll answer as best we can, simply drop an 'Q: [question]' and one of us will answer.

Basic Overview of FW

  • FW is a lowsec part pvp, part pve, part RP game mechanic.
  • FW involves you choosing one of the four empires and either joining militia OR a player run corp in FW.
  • Joining FW sets you to war AUTOMATICALLY with the opposing factions. This means ample war targets, rare security status drops, lots more fights. Downsides include, unable to dock in certain stations in low, losing stockpiles to system flips, and high sec no longer be very safe.
  • Rewards are based on tier levels. Levels are determined by the amount of systems controlled by your side + the level of each system. [Example, 4 systems owned + all of them at level 2 (2*4 = 8) leads to 12 total points.
    • Systems are captured through plexing and then by "Ihub bashing". Ihubs are Infrastructure hubs that will only be engagable once the system has reached "vulnerable" status. It is required to get the Ihub through shield and then armor. If at any point the enemy factions or DUST 514 wins a battle for their side, the ihub will lock up, and the system will have to be replexed. If the ihub locks during armor, all of the armor will recover, and you'll have to restart. Once the Ihub was successfully bashed, the system flips during downtime.
      • Ihub bashes are usually used with Stealth Bombers or (In the amarr case) Oracles.

Fighting in Low Sec

  • Most FW fights are cruiser and below, the larger majority being destroyers and below.
    • A large amount of fights will take place in the plexes, and will involve either holding on one side of the gate, or jumping into the enemy.
    • Fighting on gates occurs, without worry of gate aggro due to war targets.
  • If someone is in a plex, and you warp to them, you will warp to the plex.
  • Once on grid of the plex gate, or in the plex itself, you can not warp to fleet members on grid.

How Plexes Work

  • As stated before, warping while inside a plex works the same as any deadspace pocket.
  • Plexes are visible on the overview, as well as your ship scanner. ANYONE can warp to a plex, and ANYONE can enter the plex.
  • Plexes come in different sizes: Novice, Small, Medium, Large.
    • Each 'size' has a ship size limit.
      • Novice limited to T1 and Faction Frigates.
      • Small include the Novice as well as t2 Frigates and Destroyers.
      • Medium includes everything in the Small, as well as cruiser and t2 cruisers. T3's can NOT enter mediums.
      • Larges include everything except capitals.
  • Offense Plexing - Plexing done in an opposing faction's system. Gives more LP (Each Tier gives more and more LP) than defense plexing.
    • Warp to a plex, take the gate, clear out the NPC Rat, and stay with 35km of the timer. Once the timer ticks down, you gain LP, and the system becomes a tiny bit more vulnerable.
    • NPC Rats can drop tags, which are used for the LP market.
    • If a War Target enters the same plex as you, the timer will STOP ticking, and pause until only one side remains.
    • Any progres done on the timer remains. If you warp out and come back, provided someone did not undo your work, it will remain. Example, I take 5 minutes off of a timer, and leave. If one of the opposing faction wants to try and time it back for their side (defensive plexing) they'll have 5 additional minutes to work.
  • Defensive Plexing - Plexing done in your own faction's system. Gives less LP (varies on vulnerability status) than offensive plexing, but gives the added bonus of making your system more stable.
    • Warp to a plex, take the gate, stay within 35km of the timer.
    • All other rules from the offensive plexing apply.