Operational Security

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EVE University is a large organization and many of EVE's more nefarious corps like to use the University to 'clean' their Alt's employment histories so they look like a new player, others like to hang out and gather intel on our pilots before they move on to other coporations, others still just like a place to hide an alt while they spy on other corps in the game.

As such you can never assume that any of our channels public or otherwise are secure, you may only assume that a fleet channel is as secure as the members in that fleet. While we can't stop the in corp spies from getting all the information they want, we can make it significantly harder for them and near impossible for out of corp spies; therefore we will observe 'Operational Security' (commonly refered to as 'OpSec') at all times.

It should be noted that when a member leaves E-UNI, the corporation they join will often have more demanding security structure, so establishing good habits now can help prevent slips later on.

What is OpSec?

OpSec can be distilled into a few simple rules:

  • Not discussing openly what your PvP fleet is doing. The only channel you should be discussing fleet matters in is your Fleet channel and the ones set up by the leadership positions within that fleet.
  • Not discussing or even mentioning planned or ongoing fleet operations anywhere other than the relevant secure channels.
  • Not publishing video recordings (live-streamed OR "FRAPSed") of fleet operations without consent. See these rules for more detail.
  • Not asking for information on an active fleet.
  • Not entering a secure fleet channel (both voice comms and in-game) without explicit permission from the fleet commander.
  • Not starting a fleet without giving an indication as to how long the fleet will last, and not signing up for a fleet unless you can commit to at least 50% of the expected time out.
  • Not inviting more Wing Commanders/Squad Commanders into the mumble command channel than necessary.

Failure to follow these will typically not lead to a direct and immediate dismissal, however it will flag your membership in EVE University for 'review'.

Security Assessments

The CEO and Directors conduct constant security assessments using undisclosed procedures and take the relevant actions required. All members are asked to cooperate with requests for information made from them.