User:Dva dva
Testing page
Come one, come all! See the EVE gate and its wonders to behold!
The EVE Gate is a lore relic in EVE, and is truly something special everyone should see at least once. This journey does not have any special requirements, so it is a good opportunity for Unistas young and old to join in the fun. introducing new players to Eve lore.
* What are the objectives of this event? * What activities will take place? * What will be the rules, (if any)? * What will be the rewards (if any)?
Form up: Stacmon or Amygnon area
Duration: How long will the event last?
Area: High-Sec > Low-Sec > High-Sec
Communication: * What channels will be required (eg. chat channels, Mumble)?
List the minimum that will be required. This could be: * Skills * Knowledge * Ships/Fittings * Other
List the things that would help them getthe most out of the experience, but is not necessary for participation. This could be: * Skills * Knowledge * Ships/Fittings * Other
Specifics about ship fittings go here
I was here!
It is 'tradition' to leave a small anchored can at the eve gate, as a sort of "I was here!" message. If you wish to do this, you will need to BRING your own small secure container, and have trained at least Anchoring 1 prior to departure.
A while ago CCP introduced a new patch that wiped out all the cans on the EVE gate. Anything not accessed in a month or more were removed from the game. Many cans and messages were lost, along with some impressive can art of beer bottles, EVE in big can letters etc.