UniWiki:Wiki Curator Program

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Revision as of 17:53, 10 December 2015 by Laura Karpinski (talk | contribs) (Removing WIP as no significant edits for over a year)
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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Information out of date

In a nutshell: Wiki Curators take responsibility for a small section of the wiki, help enhance the pages, review changes by others, proofread, add more links, improve style, and so on. A curator is not necessarily the top authority on a topic, but more of a coordinator for content improvement and a caretaker for existing content. Sometimes a curator and an officer/manager for a particular program may be the same person.

With a more official structure for keeping the wiki tidy also comes a change to prevent obsolete tags from getting in the way of said organizing: Any page tagged with the Template:Work in Progress stating "Please contact original author before making changes" are null and void unless also noted on this page with an estimated short-term completion date. Several pages have gone inactive with that tag on it discouraging new people to take over. By requiring an active note here with an estimated timer we'll prevent that and encourage people to either finish or release work to other interested authors.

How to become a curator

Curatorship is one of the least demanding roles to attain. Behold the immense list of requirements:

  • Interest in a topic
  • Decent editing skills (formatting, style, decent english for proof reading, etc)
  • User account

You do not need even be in EVE Uni to be a curator, so nothing necessarily changes if you go from the student body to alumni. You can even start as alumni. It is probably handy to also have an active EVE account.

To qualify simply start editing any page(s) in the wiki you consider relevant to a topic of your interest. Curatorships will vary in size with some made up by a single page and others a few, such as Planetary Interaction. Lots of users already have plenty of wiki edits to pages that would more than qualify them to claim official curatorship for the area.

When you feel comfortable with the topic and think you have a decent idea of which pages are involved, create a forum thread in E-UNI General Discussion with the set of pages listed requesting feedback from the community on whether it makes sense to group those pages and if anybody else has an interest in helping out. That is a great time to also make a push to improve the pages overall, if needed.

Send a forum PM to the Wiki Manager if s/he hasn't noticed the thread after a couple days to chime in, and after discussion has progressed to the point where it becomes apparent whether or not the area justifies the curator, and that a worthy candidate is available, the decision will be made and celebrations can begin.

Do check here first that there isn't already an active curator declared for that area already :)

Some curators will eventually go inactive for one reason or another. If it isn't apparent if somebody is still active, send them a PM or contact the Wiki Manager. Don't shy away from an area of the wiki needing attention, whether it has an active curator or not - ultimately the goal is to simply improve the wiki's content!

You never need the approval of a curator to participate in the editing, they're there to help coordinate and make things pretty.

How to curate

So you have an interest and might become a curator for an area. Now what are you supposed to do?

  • Curators do not need to be an expert on the subject matter (although it certainly helps to at least be familiar with the topic)
  • You do not need to do all the work yourself - for larger topics across multiple pages help coordinate other people
    • Note: Coordinate in-game and in the forum. The "Discussion" pages in the wiki are very rarely checked and most forget they even exist
  • Review changes made to the relevant pages and help prettify them by proof reading, adjusting grammar, adding formatting, linkifying text that have other pages in the wiki. Feel free to verify the actual information, or ask somebody to double-check if there is any doubt.
    • You can add wiki pages to your Watchlist. This will email you when they change. You don't have to check every time the page changes, but it can help to know when they do
  • Encourage others to contribute to the wiki. You are not a gatekeeper controlling access, you are a facilitator. Consider using locator agents to hunt down potential wiki editors you think hold particular potential :D

Areas in need of a curator

Note that there are likely already experts on these topics and listing pages here is in no way a complaint or indication that the pages are not already well taken care of. We just want to make it official :D

Class Library Curator

One of the most central features to EVE University is our class system, and our audio recordings are organized on this page

WIP pages

Please list any page with the "Work in Progress" tag here with an estimated completion date to indicate how long you want the page to yourself before letting public editors join in. A month is a fair period, two or three at most for very large works. Or just embrace wiki and don't worry about it, everything is revision controlled anyway and if you have an issue with other editors you can always contact the Wiki Manager with any concerns.

If you come across a WIP page please check here to see if it is listed. If it is not (and you can't very easily hunt down the author via forum PM or in-game) then don't let the tag block you from contributing if you would like to.

  • Some page - Feb 1 2011