Intake & Progression Department

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Personnel Department

The Personnel Department is the department responsible for bringing new students into EVE University. We often process several hundred applications every week, so we have a whole department of people dedicated to reviewing applications and carrying out interviews of applicants. All our staff volunteer for the role and are unpaid.

List of Current Personnel Staff

Director of Human Resources: Kaein Soturus

The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the Personnel Department and the other HR department (Titles).

Personnel Director: Laura Karpinski

The Personnel Director is responsible for overseeing the working of the Personnel Department, including recruiting new Personnel Officers, monitoring the quality and quantity of interviews, keeping the department's documentation up to date and making changes to the EVE University tool.

Assistant Personnel Managers

Laura is assisted in these tasks by her Assistant Personnel Managers, Dune Barphsaq and Jefferson Spence.

Personnel Officers

Our Personnel Officers act as applicants' first point of contact with EVE University. They are responsible for assessing applications to EVE University, carrying out interviews and making a decision on whether the applicant should be allowed entry. When they bring a new member into EVE University, they also provide a brief orientation to get the new member started. Personnel Officers also monitor and moderate our public channels.

Our current Personnel Officers and the timezones they are active in are as follows:

Personnel Officer Manager? Senior? Active in European timezones? Active in American timezones? Active in Pacific/Australian timezones?
Laura Karpinski Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Dune Barphsaq Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png
Jefferson Spence Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png
Idree Battsetseg Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png
Curieux Bizarre Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png
Dunar Dolorgiet Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Gallor Achasse Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Jameson Bolmara Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Jilokari Kurvora Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Lamonica Eistiras Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Muamas Falcon Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Neonen Enderas Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Wroxton Vee Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Zenthu Majhar Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Anya en Ruddhisa Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Ethan Adekyn Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Iri Ryorki Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Jindo Lee Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png
Kion Stark Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Tick.png Cross.png
Lill Oddleif Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Madison Jaynara Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Maekchu Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Minin Askold Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Pram Tet Ruins Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png
Rani Ulfr Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png
Sayod Physulem Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Serendipity Wolfson Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Slice D'Apples Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Steven Sheridan Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Ta'soo Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Thalia Titus Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
Thomion Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Tom OBedlam Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png
Ulrich Patrouette Cross.png Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png
White 0rchid Cross.png Cross.png Tick.png Cross.png Cross.png

Joining the Personnel Department

We are almost always looking for new Personnel Officers to join our department, to cope with the large number of applications we receive. We would be interested in hearing from anyone who is interested in training to become a Personnel Officer. Applications to become a Personnel Officer are handled by Dune Barphsaq.

As one of the benefits of being a Personnel Officer, they are allowed access to the Human Resources POS in the Wormhole Campus. We also have occasional special events for Personnel Department staff. But the main benefit of being a Personnel Officer is being able to give back to EVE University by assisting applicants and new members.

Who should apply?

In order to become a Personnel Officer you will need to meet the following criteria:

  • You must have been an active member of EVE University for at least three weeks. However we do expect thorough knowledge of how EVE University works, so the longer you have been a member of EVE University, the better your chances;
  • The title of Sophomore is preferred, although lower titles will be considered;
  • We expect you to show a good deal of activity during your time in EVE University, such as helping out in the E-Uni channel, useful posts in the forum, killboard activity etc;
  • We expect you to have always followed the rules of EVE University and not have any serious disciplinary actions against you, because as a Personnel Officer you will be held to a higher standard than other members;
  • You must be able to clearly communicate with applicants and carry out interviews, so we expect you to be fluent in English, with good communication skills;
  • We will expect you to devote time to the department every week, so please ensure that you have sufficient time available.

How to apply

If you meet the above requirements and you wish to apply to train as a Personnel Officer, please complete this application form. You will need to use an out-of-game browser. The more detail you provide, the more likely your application is to be accepted. We are particularly interested in any real-life experience you have which may be of benefit to you carrying out a Personnel Officer role.

Submitted applications are reviewed and acknowledged individually on a regular basis. If you have not received an acknowledgement within a couple of weeks of submitting your application, please contact Dune Barphsaq by forum PM.

We carry out interviews of short-listed candidates when we are need of new Personnel Officers, and new Personnel Officers are brought in around once per month. Please keep an eye on your forum PMs as we will send you a PM if you have been short-listed. We post updates on Personnel Officer recruitment in this thread.

If you are unsuccessful in your application to become a Personnel Officer, please feel free to apply again later. We only recruit from the newest batch of applications, to ensure the application information is up to date, so you will need to resubmit your application.