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If you are reading this section, then you have probably mastered the mining barge and have set your sights on something bigger, well you have found it the all mighty Exhumer. The are 3 types of Exhumer and we will examine them, from smallest to largest. Each has it's own unique role bonus, and thusly has a specific role that it fulfills.

The Skiff

The Skiff is the smallest of the mining Exhumers and only requires Exhumer I to fly. It has been designed to fly in 0.0 space and mine the Mercoxit asterodid type that can only naturally be found there.

Role Bonus The skiff is the only mining ship with a +2 to warp strength bonus, which makes it harder for unfriendly pilots to stop you warping away.

Mercoxit Bonus As we have mentioned, the Skiff is designed to mine Mercoxit asteroids and to complete this we have the following bonus: 60% bonus to Mercoxit Mining Crystal yield multiplier per level and 20% reduced chance of Mercoxit gas cloud forming per level

So in summary:

Bonus Yield Gas Cloud
LV I +60% -20%
LV II +120% -40%
LV III +180% -60%
LV IV +240% -80%
LV V +300% -100%

The Mackinaw

The Mackinaw is the middle child of the mining Exhumers and only requires Exhumer II to fly. It has been designed to specifically mine ice asteroids. The role bonus is as follows: 100% bonus Ice Harvester yield but 25% penalty to ice harvester duration. This means that as you complete a mining cycle, you will recieve two pieces of ice instead of one, but will the cycle time will take 25% longer. However the Mackniaw recieves an additonal skill based bonus: 5% reduction in Ice Harvester duration per level.

Bonus Cycle Bonus Cycle Penalty
LV I +5% -20%
LV II +10% -15%
LV III +15% -10%
LV IV +20% -5%
LV V +25% 0%

The Hulk

As many will say, the Hulk has earned its name. It is the largest of the mining exhumers and is arguably the best mining ship a new player can get, if you want an interesting conversation just ask in the industry chat about using capital ships for mining! With 3 strip miners, a large 8000m3 cargo bay and a large enough drone bay to store 5 light drones as well as 5 mining drones, the Hulk is an amazing piece of machinary that is designed for maximum mining yield. Its skill bonus is 3% better yield for Strip Miners per level and 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration per level.

Bonus Ore Bonus Ice Bonus
LV I +3% -3%
LV II +6% -6%
LV III +9% -9%
LV IV +12% -12%
LV V +15% -15%

See Also
