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Template:Current Citadels are a new type of structure introduced during the Citadel expansion. They are intended to replace the functionality of Starbases and Outpost allowing players the same functionality of a station such as docking, storing of items, refitting and corporation offices while also being expanded with the use of new service modules to allow Clone Bay, Market and Reprocessing functionality.


Astrahus: 8000m³ - Medium sized Citadel, anchorable with a BR
Fortizar: 80.000m³ - Large sized Citadel anchorable with a cargo-fitted Orca
Keepstar: 800.000m³ - Extra-Large sized Citadel anchorable with a freighter


To begin anchoring a Citadel the Station Manager role is required to deploy, additionally Config Starbase Equipment is needed to manage Citadels in the Structure Browser. When you have the appropriate role you must find an appropriate position in space to anchor this is almost anywhere in a system with some restrictions.

  • Citadels cannot be anchored in 0.9 and 1.0 systems.
  • Citadels must be placed between 50-75km away from the anchoring ship dependent on citadel size.
  • Citadels must be anchored at least 1000km away from an existing station, citadel or asteroid belts.
  • You can move the anchoring position on the x and z axis. To move the position on the Y-axis, move the anchoring ship.
  • Anchoring a Citadel at a moon is possible but there is only a small area where it is considered valid placement. (This is due to the anchoring mechanics of a POS as shown here

Once a location is selected you can begin by selecting Launch for Corporation from the citadel’s context menu.

From the Deployment menu you can now move the outline of the citadel around and rotate it. As Citadels cannot be unanchored or repositioned care should be taken to ensure the citadel is in an optimal position, once finished proceed by pressing the Position button.

In the final menu you are now asked to set the Structure Name, Profile and Vulnerability Hours. Profiles define the permissions allowed to different groups or individuals such as docking permissions however these are configured in the Structure Browser and new profiles can be assigned at anytime with the appropriate roles/permissions.

Vulnerability Hours are the periods that the citadels can be attacked with each slot representing one hour, each size of citadel has a different amount of vulnerability slots that must be selected before it can be anchored this is also indicated in the bottom right corner of the menu.

  • Astrahus has 3 slots
  • Fortizar has 6 slots
  • Keepstar has 21 slots

With that complete your citadel will begin a 24 hour anchor timer that it is invulnerable throughout with the citadel slowly being constructed, while anchoring the citadel will not appear on the overview or directional scan unless you are on-grid.

After anchoring completes there will be a 15 minute repair window where the citadel has no shields or armor and can be destroyed. Until this finishes it is not possible to add any fittings to the citadel. Once completed the citadel will now be fully operational and begin to follow the vulnerability times that have been set at the time of deployment.


With the Citadel anchored you will now see it listed in the overview and be able to warp to it if you are not already on grid it will also be displayed on the directional scanner. A number of lights will now have appeared around it. Most are for show with the exception of a ring of lights around the edge indicating the docking ring.

Upon docking you will be able to switch between an exterior view of the citadel or the ship hanger. In addition if permitted you will be able to take control of it loading the overview and allowing you to manage the citadels fittings.

As with a normal station you have a personal item and ship hanger along with corporation hangers if they have rented an office in the citadel. While in control of a citadel you will be able to access the Ammo Bay, Fuel Bay and Fighter Bay

Station Services such as Cloning can be accessed in the same method but will be locked and un-selectable if the appropriate service module is not fitted and online. These service modules consume fuel to maintain and when first onlined will immediately use 72 hours worth of fuel.

While in control of a citadel you are able to target objects that are not invulnerable, deploy fighters and activate offensive modules as you would if you were in control of a ship using the same safety settings.

  • Fighter hangar is 100.000m³. It's possible to overload the fighter hangar i.e. you can switch between squadrons although the hangar and launch tubes are completely full.
  • Jump Clones can be left in citadels located in wormhole space with the appropriate service module but you cannot jump to them while outside of that system
  • Disabling a Cloning Centre does not destroy installed jump clones but prevents the activation of them.
  • In addition attempting to clone to a Medical Clone at a Citadel with a disabled Cloning Centre you will be rerouted to your corporation HQ.


Tethering grants players with docking permissions invulnerability mimicking the functionality of starbase forcefields with a number of additional changes. Tethering is activated upon undocking or entering a 10KM range from the citadel docking ring. You will not be tethered however while under the effect of a weapons timer or currently being aggressed. Tethering is also not applied to unmanned ships.

Tethering is indicated as an external effect on your ship along with a visual indicator of a faint blue line projecting towards your ship from the citadel.

  • A faint blue line and a symbol above the HUD indicate whether you are tethered or not. Screenshots

While tethered you cannot be locked or affected by AoE based modules. But you can still move in space and use the directional scanner and will begin to have any Shield, Armor, Structure and heat damaged modules repaired (Modules that are burnt out will be repaired but will not be onlined) along with the rapid recharge of Capacitor. You are still able to move around in space and use the directional scanner while tethered.

Tethering however will prevent the activation of the following modules:

  • Smartbombs
  • Bomb Launchers

Tethering ends should you attempt to lock a target, move outside of the tethering range or activate any of the following types of modules.

  • Burst Jammers
  • Siege Modules
  • Triage Modules
  • Warfare Links
  • Cynosural Field Generators


Upon entering a predefined Vulnerability slot the citadel will now be attackable. Citadels cannot be affected by any form of Electronic Warfare and will limit the amount of damage it can take per second as defined by its size. This damage cap cannot be exceeded and will result in decreased damage or zero damage dependent on attacking force.

Once damage has been taken the Citadel will begin a 15 minute repair timer that upon completion will fully repair the Citadel this timer however is paused while taken sufficient damage and should the Citadel reach 0% Shield or Armor (dependent on current stage) it will enter a Reinforcement state.

Reinforcement ends 24 hours after it was forced into the state and the Citadel will not follow the vulnerability timers until it has been successfully defended. Once the timer ends a new repair timer will begin where if successful will fully repair the Citadel and will no longer be attackable until the next vulnerability slot.

  • To pause the repair timer it is currently theorised to be 10% of the damage cap.
  • Standup Warp Scrambler can only function while a citadel is vulnerable.

Citadel Destruction

Upon destruction of a Citadel it offlines, becoming a wreck and ejects all online players with their active ship. The wreck remains behind ejecting a Hanger Container that holds dropped loot from the Citadel.

Player and Corporation assets become recoverable via a new tab under Assets known as Saftey. From this menu you can see any assets that are being recovered from a destroyed Citadel. Assets can be manually delivered after a few days to another valid Citadel within the same system at no cost.

Otherwise you are required to wait for auto delivery to take place to an NPC station. This takes significantly longer then manual delivery. For Citadels anchored in 0.0 this defaults to a lowsec NPC station.

  • Additional test needed for players that are offline when destroyed.

Difference in Citadels

Astrahus: Medium citadel, only allows subcapital ships to dock, Unable to fit Market Service Module, 20,000m3 Ammo Bay, Unable to use Guided Bomb Launcher, Point Defence, Doomsday, 3 vulnerable hours per week.

Fortizar: Large citadel, allows subcapital and capital ships to dock, unable to use Doomsday, 6 vulnerable hours per week.

Keepstar: Extra-Large citadel, allows all ships to dock, able to fit all citadel modules, 21 vulnerable hours per week.

Structure Browser/Groups

Groups and the Structure Browser: both are found in the Business menu of the neocom [1]

You start with a group called "my corp", and you cannot edit this group. To start make a new Group with the button [2] [3]

The group will start with you in the admin role, and you can add more Character/corp/alliances by dragging them from people and places menu or any other place like chat or a linked name [4]

The roles in the group are in order Admin > Manager > Member > Blocked. [5]
A character can be given any of the roles, while Corporation and Alliances can only be given the member and blocked roles.

You can add the "public"(the globe icon) to a group but it can only be given the member role. Admins can add remove any of the rolls including other admins, while managers can only add/remove people from the member and blocked roles
Blocked are on the black list even if they are a member of one of the corp with access

Groups can be shared in chat by dragging them. These group are then Use by structure profiles in the Structure Browser [7]

To start creating and editing profiles go to the 'My Structures' tab [8]

Click on the New profile Button [9]

Before assigning any structures to this new profile I will add group to each roll on the profile setting tab [10] the different groups are in order Docking, Defense, Clone Bay, Corporation Office, Market and Reprocessing.

Defense is taking control of a citadel and is the only way to get it to shoot.

You can add a group to a role by Clicking on the + sign. [11]

Click save after adding the groups

To assign a structure a profile Click on the Any Profile Option and drag them to the one you want [12] [13]
changing cost station serves per group

It’s as easy as changing this value in the profile settings (isk for Clone bay and Corporation offices)(% for market tax and Refining tax) other galactic taxes may apply [14]


Fitting a Citadel

Fitting a citadel is much like fitting a ship: if you have the roles required to take control of a citadel, you can just open up the fitting window and drop module in just like a ship. [15]

To 'online' the service you must have fuel in the fuel bay which only seems accessible while controlling the citadel. [16] This is the same with the fighter bay (which works like the carrier version, if not more buggy) and the ammo hold (if you want the Missile/bomb launcher to reload automatically the ammo must be place in there [17] [18]

Citadel fits can be saved and shared like ship fits, but currently fitting from a saved fit is bugged [19] [20]


  • Don't warp to 0 while anchoring. You will get stuck. Smaller ships are typically not affected however.
  • Anchored Astrahus at Data Site. Must be 500km off.
  • You cannot jump clone into a wormhole system nor set it as your Medical Clone location.
  • Micro Jump Field Generators will not move any ship that is tethered including the ship that activated the module.