User:Capt champagne/PVP tactics

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As with all conflict there is strategy. So also with all combat there are tactics. This page is devoted to PVP (Player Vs. Player) tactics: What to do in certain tactical situations and what not to do. Strategy is the movement of fleets as single units either to different celestial objects or to different solar systems. Tactics are what happen in the short times immediately before, during, and in breaking off of combat. Good tacticians adjust their tactics to the position and direction of the opponent. Poor tacticians let the actions of their opponent dictate the tactics the use.

In combat there can be found safety in numbers;however numbers alone do not assure victory. In this game numbers are used to represent power. There is armour power, shield power, weapon power, etc. etc. Only when these powers are applied with intelligence and precision can a victory be secured. If you do not use this principle to its fullest then victory will not be so certain. Poor FCs(Fleet Commanders) lead their fleets into a combat situation without first securing victory.

Single target tactical scenarios:

This section is devoted to single target tactical scenarios where it is known beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is only one target. Note that all scenarios herein assume the fleet engaging the target has the firepower and tank to deal enough damage to kill it.

Target range on warp-in

If the target is within close range when your fleet warps in then the victory lies in the ability to keep the target on that grid so you fleet can bring its guns to bare and the superiority of your firepower. That is why Tacklers are a tactical necessity for every PVP fleet. Note that tackle does not always need to come from a frigate as any ship can fit a point(warp disruptor) and/or scram(warp scrambler). Once the target is successfully tackled it is the job of the DD(Damage Dealers) to reduce the target's ship to a wreck(anyone can reduce a pod to a corpse). This is the most straight forward and simple scenario and does not require much of the FC or fleet members save a proper align to warp target and proper fleet/wing warp by the FC.

If the target is outside the range of point. it is important for the FC to make sure that his/her fleet does not get spread out chasing after him as this will reduce the numerical superiority of his/her fleet allowing the target to engage the Capsuleers of the fleet one at a time and rest assured losses will follow suit. If the target is over 150km away then the fastest tackler in the fleet should make best speed to the target allow the fleet to warp to that ship when that ship has ascertained point/scram. The ship that does this may be destroyed but usually not before the fleet has exited warp on top of the target. If the target ship is over 300 km away do not use this tactic as the warp to ship will most likely be destroyed before the fleet can arrive to secure multiple point/scram locks. Ships that are over 1Mm away should not be pursued directly at all as the target will warp away long before the warp to ship can get close. In those cases of extreme distance it is best that the fleet scout position him/herself as the warp too ship. Also with extreme distance is good practice for the fleet to approach the target at max velocity to allow a fleet-warp to the scout/warp in ship.

authors note: this article is a stub and though I do understand tactical theory I am still a noob to EVE please add more to this as you see fit as I am sure many would-be FCs could use a good read on tactical scenarios in EVE PVP.