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Triglavian Invasions

Trig invasions for the moment seem to be less profitable than incursions, the re-spawn time of sites combined with the high numbers of people attempting the sites or stealing loot/salvage means that payouts are far from the maximum potential payout. Another concern is that the initial phase of the Invasion still lasts 48 hours which is 48 hours where it is even LESS profitable to run the invasion.

Invasion Effects

Effect Perimeter Adjacent Foothold
Miner cycle time bonus 10% 25% 45%
Drone speed penalty 20% 35% 50%
Drone damage penalty 20% 35% 50%
Ship agility bonus 10% 25% 45%
Ship hull HP penalty 15% 25% 40%

These effects do NOT decline as the invasion is run and are present at full strength for the duration of the invasion. They can have a rather detrimental effect on drone boat doctrines, however some drone ships (like the rattlesnake) are still viable it just takes more skills or better fits to get the same performance.

Invasion Lifespan

  • Conduits Establishing - Initial phase of the Invasion
    • Roaming rats spawn within the invasion and can be hunted down using a probe scanner or through trial and error (similar to clone soldier hunting)
    • Minor conduits spawn in the Foothold system
  • Conduits Stabalized - 2nd Phase of the Invasion
    • Roaming rats "seem" to increase in number (requires confirmation)
    • Minor conduits now present in Foothold and Adjacent Systems
    • Major conduits present in Foothold System
  • World Ark Detected - 3rd Phase of the Invasion
    • World Ark Proving Ground site spawns
    • Minor conduits now present in Foothold, Adjacent, and Perimeter Systems (throughout the invasion)
    • Major conduits now present in Foothold and Adjacent systems
  • Forces Withdrawing - Final Phase of the Invasion
    • World Ark Proving Ground site is no longer available
    • Occurs after the World Proving Ark Site has been run.
    • Lasts 24hrs? (requires confirmation)

Likely more phases but waiting to confirm names and effects

Invasion Sites

There are three site type currently found within the invasion systems as well as roaming fleets of Triglavian ships that can be scanned down and engaged at any time within the system. All Triglavian rats have a chance to drop loot and their wrecks give salvage that is necessary in the construction of T2 Triglavian ships and modules.

  • Roaming Fleets
    • ALL triglavians are hostile to Capsuleer vessels regardless of the pilots standings they will attack and attempt to kill pilots on site, while traveling through a
    • These fleets start off with a rather small amount of Triglavian ships, the exact number of ships seems to scale with both the phase of the invasion and the type of system within the invasion (with Foothold systems having the strongest fleets and Perimeter systems the smallest).
    • All of the fleets have a chance of calling in a larger reinforcement fleet and seem willing to chase capsuleers around the system if attacked.
  • Minor Conduits
    • 3

Important Invasion Rats

  • Anchoring Damavik
    • Warp Disruption Frigate
    • A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Warp Scrambler and Remote Repair modules.
  • Anchoring Kikimora
    • Warp Disruption Destroyer
    • A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Warp Scrambling and Remote Repair modules.
  • Renewing Damavik
    • Logistics Frigate
    • A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capability.
  • Renewing Leshak
    • Logistics Battlesip
    • A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capabilities.
  • Renewing Rodiva
    • Logistics Cruiser
    • A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant appears to be engineered to make optimal use of it's remote repair capabilities.
  • Starving Damavik
    • Capacitor Neutralizing Frigate
    • A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.
  • Starving Drekavac
    • Capacitor Neutralizing Battlecruiser
    • A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.
  • Zorya's Damavik
    • A named Frigate, has a chance to drop various loot?
    • A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.
  • Zorya's Leshak
    • A named Battleship, has a chance to drop loot including Decayed and Gravid Mutaplasmids.
    • A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.