User:Cassiel Seraphim/Sandbox

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white green incursions checkers locked miscellaneous

Icon left.png Icon up.png Icon down.png Icon right.png

Icon left green.png Icon up green.png Icon down green.png Icon right green.png

Icon incursion effect cyno.png Icon incursion effect damage.png Icon incursion effect resists.png Icon incursion effect bounties.png

Icon green check.png Icon yellow circle.png Icon red x.png Icon checkmark.png Icon cancel.png

Icon locked.png Icon unlocked.png

Icon fedo.png Source book.png Concord mtac.png

Help/info Post-its Settings

Icon show info.png Icon help.png Icon help square.png Icon information.png Icon information2.png Icon information square.png

Icon postit.png Icon postits.png Icon postit block.png Icon pax amarria.png

Icon cogs.png Icon cog.png Icon cog bolt.png

Progression template


For resists:

 60 %
 43 %
 33 %
 90 %


Ship Stats shield electromagnetic resistance shield thermal resistance shield kinetic resistance shield explosive resistance
Icon shield.png 2,500 HP
 60 %
60 %
60 %
60 %
borderless 1,250 HP
 43 %
 43 %
 43 %
 43 %
Icon hull.png 625 HP
 0 %
 0 %
 0 %
 0 %

What happens when you disconnect from the game?

a) Your ship will only try to warp out once (1,000,000 km in a random direction), if for some reason you can't warp right then and there, there will be no more attempts to emergency warp. If you get killed, your pod will also try to warp out once, but like your ship just that one time.
b) Modules will continue to cycle while you have cap, hardeners will stay on, guns will continue to fire (while having ammo) etc.
c) Skills will continue to have an effect, modules like EANMs will continue to function at the same level even if you're disconnected.
d) If they stop shooting you at some point, you'll automatically log out of the game for real as soon as the timers run out, regardless how many times they've been refreshed (this was obvious but still thought I'd double-check it).

Layered images

Sometimes it makes sense to manually build up an image comprised of an image and a tag, two or more images or a semi-transparent label over an image.

Tech and faction
Icon faction.png
Tempest Fleet Issue.jpg
Icon tech2.png
Icon tech3.png
Best yield per volume of m3 for this type of ore.
Best yield per volume of m3 for this type of ore.
Best yield per volume of m3 for this type of ore.
Best yield per volume of m3 for this type of ore.
Best yield per volume of m3 for this type of ore.
Best yield per volume of m3 for this type of ore.
Tech & faction
Icon tech2.png
Logo faction outer ring excavations.png
Larger icon
Icon faction.png
Logo faction amarr empire clean.png
Larger still
Icon tech1.png
Logo faction gallente federation clean.png
Label too long

Pre-tag with markups

Sometimes you want to combine showing raw code, which is easily done with the <pre></pre> html-tag or with the {{code}}-template, but also do some markup on it to illustrate what to change.

Here's an example of how it can be done, taken from the overview manipulation page:

tabSetup:  -- This identifies the start of the code handling tabs.
- - 0  -- First tab.
  - - - bracket
      - null
    - - name
      - <b>.  PvP  .</b>  -- This is the value for 'name', which is the label for the tab.
    - - overview
      - 1a - pvp + drones  -- This is the name of the setting that's loaded into this tab.

The key to make this kind of presentation work is to break up the pre-tag with another tag, opening it up with <pre<includeonly></includeonly>> and then closing it with </pre<includeonly></includeonly>>, which will end up changing the parsing behaviour of the page and the end result is that you can combine the best of both worlds, a pre-formatted text you can markup with colours or other highlight-methods.

In the rare case your code or text has some templates or wiki-code you don't want to format, but still want to be able to add your own wiki commands you can take this even further by adding <nowiki> to the opening pre-line and </nowiki> in the closing part then wrap any individual wiki-code inside with the reverse </nowiki> wiki-code <nowiki> markup.

Since this opens up for html-tags as well as wiki-markups it might be necessary to break up tags or replace equal signs to get the parsed result to your liking. This can be done by using &lt; instead of < and &gt; instead of > for tags plus &#61; instead of = for the equal sign.

Useful HTML-codes

Sometimes you have templates that doesn't allow for showing things like =, < or >, then you can use the following:

Code Result
&#61; =
&lt; <
&gt; >
&amp; &
&#47; /
&#35; #

For more HTML-codes, see this site:
HTML Codes - Table of ascii characters and symbols


Some colours I use.

# C D E

█ #e15800
█ #dd9900
█ #93D500
█ #51D200

█ Maroon
█ Sienna
█ Olive
█ ForestGreen

█ purple
█ rebeccapurple
█ slateblue
█ steelblue

Security status
1.0 - #2FEFEF
0.9 - #48F0C0
0.8 - #00EF47
0.7 - #00F000
0.6 - #8FEF2F
0.5 - #EFEF00
0.4 - #D77700
0.3 - #F06000
0.2 - #F04800
0.1 - #D73000
0.0 - #F00000

█ coral (modules)
█ wheat (quotes)
█ slateblue (changes)
█ violet (tags)
█ lightgreen (comments)
█ #ffd75f (suspect)
█ red (criminal & weapon)
█ cyan (limited engagement)


You need the CSS script to handle both normal browsers supporting CSS3 and the ingame browser which do not, but apparently has some old webkit support.

1 2 3 4
+ 1 2 3 4


Normal tooptip: Example1Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris. (lots of text) Example2Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. (short text).

Let's see what the tooltip upLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris. does compared to tooltip rightLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris. as well as how tooltip leftLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris. differ from tooltip downLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris. when put in the end. Does this normal tooltipLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris. change?

Now how about an image like this? Icon stasis webifier i.pngIcon stasis webifier i.png -60% speed reduction at 30 km. or a larger one like Logo faction amarr empire.pngLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus eu hendrerit nisi. Nulla ornare, dolor eu pulvinar faucibus, magna purus tempor orci, sed malesuada urna ligula sit amet mauris.

Warp disruption

Certain actions are prevented by warp disruption:

Actions and restrictions Warp disruption
Warp disruption
Warp scrambling
Warp scrambling
Interdiction probe
Interdiction field
Activating your Warp Drive Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png
Activating an Acceleration Gate Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png
Activating a Star Gate (sub-capital ships) Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png
Activating a Star Gate (capital ships) Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png
Activating a Microwarpdrive (MWD) Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png
Activating a Micro Jump Drive (MJD) Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png
Activating a Micro Jump Drive Field Generator  Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png
Activating a Jump Drive Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png
Docking in a Station Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png
Docking in an Upwell structure Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png Icon large green check.png Icon large green check.png Icon large red x.png Icon large red x.png