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How to not get scammed in eve-online

Hello newbies - I Am Commander Predator, Im not a very well-known scammer from this character as many people use alts, however i have scammed on this character.

I have done many scams Ranging from selling corps for instant standings with certain factions, selling shares, the old trade-window scam, and sometimes just impulse-scamming when the opportunity Arises.

It is very easy to get scammed in eve if you dont know what to look for. I have talked people into giving me billions worth of stuff, by impersonating someone in their corp on their ventrilo, and managed to get them to contract it to my alt. I have even gone so far as to photoshop a screenshot of a contract to say something it didnt and convinced a person that his end was bugged. you may ask how people get so stupid, that i have no answer for.

However here are a few simple rules, and the descriptions of them on how to not get scammed.

1. Trust no one

2. If its too good to be true, it is

3. If it looks suspicious, walk away

4. Never use Trade window in station

5. Never invest

6. Arrange Market from lowest to highest

- There is a certain extent to this. for example, i have about 10 people in eve, 1 of which is my cousin, the others i have simply played with for so long i dont even care if they scammed me. A good rule of thumb, if youve known a person for less than 3 years, Dont trust them. Keep a small circle of people you can trust, and never trust them too much, unless their name is Chribba, dont trust them with anything over 10% of your wallet.

2. If its too good to be true, it is

- For example, if someone is in jita local spamming wtb plex for 350m which is overpriced, 1000 times out of 1000 its actually 350K. A good rule of thumb for selling and buying, use Market/Contracts, dont even glance at local, you know what you want just search it in contracts or market. also going back to the photoshop story, i offered this guy 300 Moa's for 1m each in a trade window and he accepted 1 moa named "Moa X300" and so i said sorry i will contract 599 of them to you for another 300m, so i photoshopped it to say X599 and he actually accepted it. So just use Common sense there.

3. If it looks suspicous, walk away

- If someone is for example trying to sell you a corp for instant standings, and hes only 3 months old, that is suspicious, use Genji Ancient on the forums. If someone is spamming local for a well known lottery and one of the letters in his name is using a number instead of a letter, walk away, use forums and follow steps from there, i reccomend using only from well known people such as chribba.

4. Never use trade window in station

- Pretty Straightforward, short of trading some ammo over to a corp mate, dont use it. Contracts and market only.

5. Never Invest

- No matter what anyone tells you, whether its on forums or not. its a scam. or its just a really high risk thing to do and may as well be throwing your isk away. a legit investment may get you 100m in a few months, thats not alot so just dont do it. as much as you might want to think investing is part of the game, CCP hasnt made any real legit way of share trading.

6. Arrange Market from Lowest to highest

- Also straightforward, When browsing the market, whether for ammo or a ship. always have lowest price on top, highest on the bottom, its really easy to accidentally spend 600 million ISK on a Damage Control II when your really drunk. arranging it like this will help avoid that.

Misc. Tips for other scenarios

- Going back to not trusting anyone. If you ever want to make a corp and your CEO a few good things to go by.

1. If he/she asks for director, dont ever make this person director or give him access to anything valuable. 2. Make sure anyone you give any leadership too, has invested or will invest the time/energy for anything he/she will have access to.(this doesnt ensure you won't be thieved unfortunatley, but its the best you can do.) 3. Dont be too paranoid, take it easy.

- If someone is trying to talk you into spending money, and youve barely known the person, hes attempting to scam you, proceed to block and continue on gaming.

- Using goonswarm as a prime example, if you are joining a corp, and they ask for payment to join, and tell you to contract everything you own to them, or one or the other, bad corp, walk away. When joining 0.0 corps in deep 0.0, just sell most of your stuff, and buy new up there, or slowly move it yourself, again, trust NO ONE.

- Dont leave Ships lying around in pos shields, for example, if you just spend 20b on a nyx, dont eject from it and leave it in a pos that anyone else has access too, its probably best you just dont eject in the first place tho, get an alt.

- When using POS ship hangars, when you put your ship in there, consider it gone, that way if/when you lose it, your not as hurt, and if you don't, your happier.

- If your buying ships from someone and they want you to prepay them before they build it, block and go buy off the market, or if its a titan, just use Chribba, or Darknesss.

- Double check everything, Triple Check contracts, ensure that the correct amount of 0's are there, and that your actually buying a ship, not that ships blueprint copy.

Hope this helps.