CHAIN Mindflood Distribution Base

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Site Details
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CHAIN Mindflood Distribution Base is a hacking site found by scanning in Low Security regions with Blood Raider presence.


Ungated pocket. The containers can be hacked without having to shoot down a ship.

On warpin; Crimson Hand Advance Intelligence and Norcotics (CHAIN)
From the time they first appeared in this area, the Crimson Hand’s operatives have been tied to countless kidnappings, assaults and murders. These crimes usually involve low-life drug addicts and other social rejects whose absence few people notice or care about. In order to supplement funding for increased military expansion, the Crimson Hand is also rumored to have sanctioned low-security narcotics peddling. It seems the Hand is bolstering not only their wallets but also the number of people crewing their ships and slaving away deep in their null-sec strongholds.

High-value, no-nonsense customers know these stories all too well and don’t push things if they’re smart. In return for their patronage they receive top quality service and deals on Mindflood boosters that nobody can match.

Initial defenders

Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate CHAIN Blood Raider Elite Frigate (Elder Corpii Reaver/Engraver/Collector...) Tracking Disruptor
Elite Cruiser 3-4 x Elite Cruiser CHAIN Blood Raider Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Arch Priest/Sage)
Battleship 3-4 x Battleship CHAIN Blood Raider Battleship (Corpus Patriarch/Pope/Cardinal...) Triggers reinforcements
Hauler 2 x Industrial CHAIN Blood Raider Transport Ship

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate CHAIN Blood Raider Elite Frigate (Elder Corpii Collector/Raider...) Tracking Disruptor
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser CHAIN Blood Raider Elite Cruiser (Elder Corpum Arch Priest/Sage...) Energy Neutralizer
Battleship 4 x Battleship CHAIN Blood Raider Battleship (Corpus Cardinal/Patriarch)