Red Dragonfly Nebula

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Red Dragonfly Nebula is a gas site found by scanning in the null security region of Feythabolis.


This site has a single massive Vermillion Cytoserocin gas cloud containing 9000 units of gas. However, it is extremely heavily guarded by Angel Cartel NPCs. The Damaged Sentinel Angel has a weak armor repairer that repairs 800 HP every 20 seconds, but triggers multiple waves of reinforcements that can overwhelm an unprepared explorer easily. It fires Citadel Nova torpedoes that deal approx. 800 Explosive damage.

In local (on warp-in)
Angel Defense Sentinel: Intruders! Defend the harvester base at all costs!
Initial spawn

Sentry 1 x Sentry Damaged Sentinel Angel Webs up to 40 km Stasis Webifier
Sentry 11 x Sentry Tower Sentry Angel III
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Arch Gistum Centurion/Phalanx/Marauder
Battleship 7 x Battleship Gist Malakim/Nephilim