User:Masao battousai

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Revision as of 02:03, 9 October 2010 by Masao battousai (talk | contribs)
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This is my guide to E-UNI fleet command. It is a work in progress.


  • Read the following:
    * Student Relations Manager
    * Director of Personnel
    * Director of Education
    * Director of Logistics
    * Director of Public Relations
    * Current Diplomats
    * Current War Targets
  • Scout your hunting grounds and create safe spots and gate observation warps-ins / mirror points
  • Learn to fly a covert cloaking ship
  • Know how to scout for an E-UNI fleet
  • Train the fleet command skill to level 2


  • Create overview filters to sort ships by type / size
  • Remember to notify a Diplomat of hostile neutrals
  • Remember to notify the student relations manager of problematic fleet members
  • Remember to correct all your / fleet mistakes
  • Avoid singling out fleet members for mistakes or praise
  • Do Maintain a tranquil demeanor (EVE Fleet command is a lot like Online Poker)
  • Don't allow your self to be identified as FC of the fleet
  • Remember to feed your scouts and fleet bookmarks
  • Do Maintain comms discipline
  • Don't let the fleet channel become a chat box
  • Remember to provide BIO breaks


  • Remember to ask scouts to convo you
    * Be sure to ask how much experience they have in scouting
    * How long it takes for them to scan down a signature (if at all)
  • Be Prepared to scout and run a wolf-pack if no scouts convo you
  • Remember to create a fleet with yourself
  • Remember to disable Self Invite
  • Remember to disable free move
  • Remember to enable loot logging
  • Do Change the fleet view to hierarchy
  • Do Disable the fleet finder advert
  • Do Create a separate wing for the scout
  • Do Check the forums, corp and alliance bulletin board, Corp / Alliance mail, Corporation war status, the kill board, in-game map statistics, and corporation calendar for mitigating circumstances
  • Remember to check for war targets online and use locator agents, if you have them.
  • Do have predetermined routes laid out.
  • Do know how long the op will take including setup time and travel times
  • Do announce the fleet before role call in the: TS combat lounge, Alliance and Chat.e-Uni channels (asking scouts to convo you).
  • Do convey the general nature and length of the fleet when announcing it (who, what, when, where, why, and How)
  • Remember to have a pad of scratch paper and a pen handy


  • Don't accept tacklers larger than a frigate
  • Don't accept EWAR larger than a cruiser, or DD smaller than a cruiser / larger than a BC; unless forming a BS fleet
  • Remember to send your scouts ahead to probe and hunt down prey
  • Remember to restrict Low-sec PVP fleets to E-UNI Members
  • Do select your Squad and Wing Commanders wisely and choose leaders that you can work with.
  • Remember to request role and ship type when requesting leadership (a working mic is implied)
  • Remember to check age, employment history and titles when appointing leadership
  • Remember to invite your commanders to squad chat and instruct them which TS wing to join as channel commander
  • Do delegate tasks to your leaders (command broadcasting, second in command, Command re-invites, etc..)
  • Remember to instruct squad commanders to create squad channels that specify the Wing and Squad number (W#S#)
  • Don't let the SCs create 16 character channel names
  • Remember to instruct and let Squad Commanders build their own squads with 4 Ewar, 4 Tackle, and 2 DD
  • Remember to call for roles in alliance channel requesting ship class (EAF, Recon, Cruiser, Frigate, etc)
  • Do Invite EW first, Tacklers Second, and DD Third
  • Don't accept or make role calls with ship class (Blackbird, Rifter, Scorpion, etc)
  • Remember to Global announce in TS to all Channel commanders that you're taking out a fleet (If at war)
  • Do let your SCs invite members to fleet
  • Do designate a primary and secondary (bait) squad and give those SCs priority selection in role call (T2 ships)


  • Remember to Instruct fleet members to join the appropriate TS Wing Channel
  • Remember to check improper command channel key ups with fleet
  • Remember to instruct fleet members and commanders who they should have in their watchlist
  • Do:
    * Remind members not to fly anything they can't afford to lose
    * Remind members to Zoom out as far as possible, to see the entire fleet and battlefield
    * Remind the fleet that weapons are not free, they'll attack only when ordered
    * Remind members that their is no talking in Teamspeak without permission
    * Instruct the fleet on your comm rules for Fleet Channel, local, and TS
         * Keep general chatter confined to squad chat
         * No talking in local
         * No talking to neutrals or hostiles while in fleet (post in fleet channel if convo'd)
         * X up in fleet Channel: if you're fired on by a neutral, warp scrambled, ship / pod destroyed, need RR, have loot to transfer, or currently docked in system
    * Remind fleet members to ask in squad chat for a re-invite and SCS / WCs in command chat
    * Remind squad commanders to echo commands in squad chat if members desire
    * Instruct the fleet to keep general chatter confined to their squad channel
    * Remind members to dock and remained stationed if their ship is destroyed and / or purchase a new clone if they are podded.
    * Remind members to check that:
         * Their clone is up-to date, no implants plugged-in they don't want to lose, ship is insured, in Aldrat / at the POS, renamed their ship, set auto target back to 0, checked their cargo bay for a minimum of 5 ammo reloads, drones in drone bay, guns / missiles are grouped, and all needed modules are online.
  • Remember to check your T2 fleet composition and move members around if needed
  • Remind Fleet members to mute their microphones if they're not in command channel
  • Remember to review fleet rules and maneuvers for any new members
    * JOC, HOC, JJJ, JOC, OGC, DGC, A, Break, Break, Break, Hold Cloak, Check Check
    * T2 tanks and T1 frigate / cruiser rigging rules (if wartime)
  • Do review Fleet member broadcast settings (superiors)
  • Do review highlights of Varius Arcturus's Overview
    * Good Standing / Excellent Standing / Alliance Member above Outlaw
  • Remember to give members a flight destination and test align times
  • Remember to specify autopilot and security status penalty settings for destinations
  • Do Ask for volunteer +1 and -1 pickets
  • Do remember to rotate your pickets in and out if possible after breaks and fights
  • Do clarify your engagement rules for each role in the fleet
    * DD
         * All on the primary, secondary locked
    * Ewar
         * Squad 1/2 stay off grid till point is called
         * 1 racial module spread around on targets that have characters name that starts with the same letter as your own character name, or as close as possible
         * Target Painters' primary is FC called primary
         * Tracking Disruptors' primary is Short Range Damage Dealers
         * Remote Sensor Dampeners' primary is Long Range Snipers / ECM
         * ECMs' primary is ECM and Missile / Drone Boats
    * Tacklers
         * All Orbit at minimum 7.5km,
         * All attack drones, excluding interceptors
         * Non-Squad 1/2 interceptors on T1 Cruisers, and T1 / T2 Frigates
         * Squad 1 members on the primary
         * Squad 2 members on the secondary
         * Non-squad 1/2 tacklers on a target that has a character name that starts with the same letter as your own, or as close as possible in the alphabet

* Long range damage (Jam Only), Close range damage (disrupt), Long Range ewar (damp)

  • Don't forget your personal disclaimer before departing
    * You shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Masao Battousai and his alts, ILN superiors, and corporation; and their respective employees, contractors, officers and directors, from any and all claims, loss, damages and demands, including reasonable bounty fees, arising out of:
         * Your obedience or disobedience to fleet commands
         * Your access to sensitive fleet intel
         * Your engagement of ship modules
         * CCP's Coding of the Game


  • Have your +/- 1 pickets to initiate their Warp / Jump when a fleet align is issued.
    * +1s should orbit and -1s align at the end of their movement
  • Have your +/- 1 pickets to Jump / Warp to reposition themselves when the JJJ or JOC command is issued.
    * -1s should orbit and +1s align at the end of their movement
  • Here are a few optimized low sec pirate haven pipelines I built around Aldrat
   * Decon makes for a nice 12 point high sec jump-in from Aldrat
   * Pipes can be joined with common hubs: Ingunn and Goinard (instead of Decon) 
   * Set auto pilot to prefer less secure - stay in 0.0 to 0.4 where possible
   * set Security Penalty to 100
   * Add the following way points 
        * Pipe A - 62 Jumps
             * 1. Akora
             * 2. Messoya
             * 3. Tasti
             * 4. Ingunn
             * 5. Frulegur
             * 6. Illamur
             * 7. Atlar
             * 8. Oddeluf
             * 9. Bosena
             * 10. Sedaya
             * 11. Mifrata 
        * Pipe B - 61 Jumps
             * 1. Ingunn
             * 2. Rancer
             * 3. Hagilur
             * 4. Hadozeko
             * 5. Resbroko
             * 6. Amamake
             * 7. Eggheland
             * 8. Goinard
       * Pipe C - 54 Jumps
             * 1. Decon
             * 2. Old Man Star
             * 3. Goinard
             * 4. Naguton
             * 5. Vecamia
       * Pipe D - 46 Jumps
             * 1. Decon
             * 2. Old Man Star
             * 3. Tama
             * 4. Jan
             * 5. Otsela
             * 6. Ihkana
        * Pipe E - 44 Jumps
             * 1. Decon
             * 2. Old Man Star
             * 3. Tama
             * 4. Aunen


  • Remember to keep eyes on the target and system local count
  • Remember to have scouts or bait position themselves behind the target(s) for the fleet warp-in
  • Do have a strategy and know when and how to get out if need-be
  • Remember to review target selection for each role
  • Do keep commands to 6-7 words or seven words and detailed with who, what, when, and where
  • Remember to keep your composure


  • Remember to speak clearly, moderately, and confidently
  • Don't loose your composure for even a second
  • Remember to stay and warp-in with the fleet
  • Remember to repeat calls of primary, secondary, and tertiary
  • Do call targets according to threat assessment based on your current fleet EWAR composition


  • Remind members to post kill mails and loss mails with a comment
  • Do designate a squad to stay behind and loot, salvage, and destroy wrecks (Move the rest of the fleet to a safe spot)
  • Remind looters to note and trade / contract loot from wrecks back to corp mates
  • Do have tacklers transfer loot to a tanked DD
  • Do have your tackles loot while the rest of your fleet aligns for a fast get away (if need be)


  • Remind members to:
    * Deposit all war target loot to ILN Hangar, and fleet loot to the sorting hangar
    * Set auto pilot settings back
    * Remove avoidance system settings
    * Leave the fleet only after docking
    * Leave their squad chat
    * Remove channel commander from TS
    * Leave the Teamspeak Wing channel
    * Un-mute their microphones
    * Comment your AAR (provide a estimated post time)
  • Remember to download your fleet log
  • Write an After Action Report, including the:
    * Objective of your fleet and the operational area
    * An explanation of what happened during the fleet operation
    * What you learned during this experience
    * A link to your ILN Patrol Log (if relevant)

Fleet Commanders

Masao Battousai

  • Who: PVP Unistas for Low Sec Pirate Roams
  • What: Wolpacks
  • When: 12:00 -17:00
  • Where: Derelik, Domain, Essence, Genesis, Heimatar, Lonetrek, Metropolis, Sinq Laison, The Citadel, The Forge
  • Why: LoSec Pacification

--For the whole of your life you will be your own closest companion. You will be the one who really understands what it is like. 02:39, 8 October 2010 (UTC)