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Revision as of 10:07, 26 January 2022 by Uryence (talk | contribs)
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Can't sing, can't dance, can handle a ship a little. Am sometimes inveigled into teaching.

Particular areas where I might have some useful knowledge and am very happy to be consulted on wiki matters (post on my discussion page):

  • subcapital PvP, especially in fleets under 25 pilots
  • nullsec life: bubbles, intel, ESS mechanics, some aspects of cynos, basic belt ratting, deployable structures
  • overheating
  • tackling
  • basic scouting
  • some basic manual piloting
  • "ship recognition", i.e. having a basic working knowledge of what crops up on d-scan and how it might behave
  • filaments, especially needlejack and Pochven filaments
  • skills, skill planning, skill training, injectors, extractors, accelerators, remaps
  • English usage, both Commonwealth and North American (I value consistent manual-of-style delivery but am not a hard prescriptivist)
  • proofreading; copy-editing and clarity rewrites

I am, on the other hand, largely ignorant of most types of PvE, trade, industry, advanced wiki formatting, capital and supercapital PvP, and sovereignty mechanics.

To help the Teaching Department, I've been asked to spend some time rationalising (or rationalizing, as this wiki's manual of style will have it!) the teaching pages.