Medium Asteroid Cluster

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Revision as of 21:54, 29 September 2022 by Houaha (talk | contribs) (Updated ore quantities using a survey scan of a new belt taken on 9/29/2022)
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Main article: Asteroids and ore

Medium Asteroid Clusters are periodically spawned in sovereign nullsec systems that contain an active Ore Prospecting Array.

Ore Type # of Asteroids Ore Quantity m³ per Unit m³ total
Pyroxeres 4 200,000 0,3 60,000
Omber 1 20,000 0,6 12,000
Bistot 4 39,998 16 639,968
Arkonor 3 24,998 16 399,968
Mercoxit 1 1,800 40 72,000
Sum 13 - - 1,183,933