Archive:History of The Big Deuce

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History of the Ivy League Navy's Battelgroup 2 - The Big Deuce


Information missing

The logo for The Big Deuce was created by Matheus Esp, a former ILN pilot. There were initially a few designs floating around, but the end result for the logo was the face of a Dingo on the foremost card, and the second card contains the image of a Dingo's Skull.

The Big Deuce and it's Commanding Officers

Prior information missing

The Sto Lo period (2010-08-01 until 2010-10-30)

Sto Lo took office as Commanding Officer from 2010-08-01 until his resignation on 2010-10-30. During this time he set about rebuilding the battlegroup from it's minimalistic state, and with the assistance of his Executive Officer Skylanx they encouraged pilots to go out and lead fleets. This was in particular a success with the FC of the Week program for the weekly patrols. During this period Sto Lo himself spent a lot of hsi time out in fleets, small gangs or in solo PvP and encouraged others to do likewise and caused BG2 to come to the fore with leading the killboard (and lossboard) for the entire period of his tenure.

Memorable moments/activities/leadership techniques:

  • "Fleet warp to Hofj.., beef bork bork" (and henceforth Hofjaldgund shall be know as Beef Bork Bork)
  • Frequent small gang/solo PvP in Hadozeko

The Miranda Glade period (2010-11-29 until 2011-01-11)

Miranda Glade stepped up as Commanding Officer from 2010-11-29 until his resignation on 2011-01-11. Prior to this time he spent in a variety of roles in the battlegroup and set up the Training Program in consultation with the other battlegroup N7's. After his promotion he encouraged new pilots to learn and led EVE University into an organised event fight against Agony Unleashed, the nullsec PVP training corporation, which resulted in an overwhelming win for EVE University on 2011-01-08. During this period the timezone based Squadrons were disbanded across the entire ILN.

Memorable moments/activities/leadership techniques:

  • Winning the fight against Agony Unleashed ([1])
  • Organising and creating The Big Deuce training program.

The Yamir Ke'Shark volunteering days (2011-01-11 until )

Yamir Ke'Shark stepped up from his position of Executive Officer to the role of Commanding Officer on 2011-01-11 and set about filling the many vacant positions in the command staff of The Big Deuce whilst running events, teaching, leading fleets, and supervising the training department. Having started off as a victim of the FC of the Week program, he moved on into the command staff as the Intelligence Officer (N2) and slowly moved through the roles and positions up until this point. Having succesfully filled all the command staff positions on 2011-05-08 an event to hunt the CO and XO was planned which involved the loss of approximately 2 billion ISK worth of ships in a constant four hour period of combat against the rest of battlegroup and any other willing victims/volunteers. After a few more weeks the decision to leave EVE University was made and plans to leave the battlegroup in capable hands were started.

additional information required

Memorable moments/activities/leadership techniques:

Past and Present Command Staff Listing

Pilot Name Joined Left Notable roles
Vedenhenki unknown unknown N1
Deran Francks unknown unknown unknown
Thea Infinitas unknown unknown Author of The Big Deuce Pirate Hunting Guide
Mental Mantis unknown 2010-03-10 N3
Corwin unknown unknown unknown
Luzxz unknown unknown XO, acting CO
Larsen Knight 2010-01-24 N1 until 2010-08-02, N4 from 2011-01-07
Skylanx 2010-02-10 2010-10-30 XO
Tou Mei 2010-04-05 2011-01-05 N4
Shaft Vain 2010-02-12 N1 until 2011-05-03
Miranda Glade 2010-06-01 2011-01-12 N7, N3, CO
Yamir Ke'Shark 2010-06-20 N2, N7, N3, XO, CO
Sto Lo 2010-08-01 2010-10-30 CO
ToranBrades 2010-09-26 2011-02-24 N7
Seralinna Cayliss 2010-10-13 N3, XO
MrKlepto unknown unknown N3
Cedric deBouilard 2010-12-29 N7
Meynn 2011-01-12 N1
Nicnack Soul unknown N3
Megarom unknown N2

Other notable members for their stellar service, work and dedication

  • Gwenyfer
  • Atilla Khan
  • Varius Arcturis (Overview Setup guru, his handywork can be found here)
  • s4ikotic
  • Silent Bruce
  • Serenity Goru

and all those who've led fleets for the two weekly patrols.

Not so notables and bad apples

These are the individuals who have been expelled and banned from EVE University, more details for them can be found on The Departed list

  • Helios Black (Joined - 2010-05-03) - Banned, Corp Thief - Standing order, KOS.
  • Dooobles (Joined - 2010-09-11) - Banned
  • Skyreth (Joined - 2010-09-22) - Banned