Brevity codes

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Work in progress and not sanctioned by E-Uni for offcial use.


  • Aborting/aborted/abort
    • Directive/informative call to cease action/attack/event/mission
  • Action
    • Directive to initiate a briefed attack sequence or maneuver
    • In (stealth bomber) fleet call “Ready… ready… action!”
  • Anchor/anchored
    • Orbit about a specific point
    • In fleet call “Anchor Aldrat gate, defensive gate camp”


  • Bandit
    • An aircraft identified as enemy, in accordance with wardec criteria. The term does not necessarily imply direction or authority to engage.
  • Bingo
    • Minimum cap needed to warp away.
    • In fleet call “Fleet, Inty. I will point until Bingo.”
  • Blow through
    • Directive/informative call that indicates ships will continue straight ahead at the merge and not turn with target/targets.
    • In fleet call “Fleet, FC, Blow Through targets at gate, Jump on Contact”
  • Bogey
    • A neutral contact whose identity/intent is unknown.
  • Brevity
    • Mumble is becoming saturated and briefer transmissions must follow.
    • In fleet call “Fleet, Brevity!”
  • Broke lock
    • Loss of target lock
  • Buddy spike
    • Friendly ships appearing in Local.
  • Bugout
    • Separation from that particular engagement/attack/operation; no intent to re-engage/return. Similar to scatter
  • Bump/Bump-up
    • Ship-to-ship contact to move target


  • Cease fire
    • Do not open fire and/or discontinue firing; continue to track/lock target
  • Clean
    • No contacts on ships/WT of interest
  • Cleared
    • Requested action is authorized (no engaged/support roles are assumed)
  • Cleared hot
    • Ordnance release is authorized
  • Cloak
    • Activate cloaking device. Helps to have Star Trek Klingon or Romulan music playing in background
  • Closing
    • Decreasing in range
    • In fleet call “Fleet, Inty. Closing on Vagabond”
  • Cold
    • Attack geometry will result in a pass or rollout behind the target and unable to effectively damage
    • In fleet call “Fleet, this is inty. I am cold on the Vagabond”
    • Opposite of Hot
  • Comeoff
    • Directive to maneuver as indicated to either regain mutual support or to pause fight but maintain lock of target
  • Commit/committed
    • States intent to engage/intercept
  • Continue
    • Continue present maneuver; does not imply clearance to engage or expend ordnance
  • Continue dry
    • Ordnance release not authorized
  • Cover/covering
    • Directive/informative call to establish a posture that will allow engagement of a specified target or threat


  • Defensive
    • Ship is in a defensive position and maneuvering with reference to the enemy. Help request is often assumed
    • In fleet call “Fleet, inty! I am Defensive!”
  • De-louse
    • Directive to identify unknown ship trailing friendly ship. Usually by querying intel mechanisms, WT lists or employment history of unknown
  • Divert
    • Proceed to alternate mission or base.
  • Drop/dropping
    • Directive/informative call to stop monitoring a specified target and resume other responsibilities


  • Engaged
    • Maneuvering with the intent to kill; this implies on-grid acquisition of target
  • Eyeball ()
    • Acquisition of targets. Normally followed by (x) number of targets observed
    • In fleet call “Fleet, this is Jackal, Eyeballs on 4 targets”


  • Heads up
    • Alert of an activity of interest.
  • Holding hands
    • All fleet members are on-grid
  • Hostile
    • A contact identified as enemy upon which clearance to fire is authorized in accordance with wartime SOP
  • Hot
    • Attack geometry will result in a pass or rollout on the target and able to effectively damage
    • In fleet call “Fleet, this is inty. I am Hot on the Vagabond”
    • Opposite of Cold


  • Jump, Jump, Jump
    • Activate jump drive through gate


  • Kill
    • Clearance to fire.
    • In fleet call “Kill the <target>”
  • Knock it off
    • Directive to cease maneuvers/attacks/activities
    • Typically used when something bad has happened


  • Leaker(s)
    • Threat has passed through a defensive layer. Call should include amplifying information
    • In fleet call “Fleet, JoePilot, Leakers heading towards POS”
  • Locked
    • Target is on-grid and ship weapon systems are tracking


  • Marshal/marshalling
    • Establish/established at a specific point
    • In fleet call “Fleet, FC, marshal at POS


  • New picture
    • Used by controller or scouts when tactical picture has changed. Supersedes all previous calls and re-establishes picture for all players
    • In fleet call “Fleet, FC, New picture, 4 battleships have warped into area.
  • No factor
    • Not a threat. Even if a WT.


  • Off (direction)
    • Informative call indicating attack is terminated and maneuvering to the indicated direction
    • In fleet call “Fleet, Inty. Moving off to POS”
  • On station
    • Informative call ship/squadron/wing/fleet has reached assigned station
    • In fleet call “FC, scout, on station, monitoring gate”
  • Opening
    • Increasing in range
    • In fleet call “Fleet, inty. Vagabond is opening”
  • Outlaw
    • CONCORD criminal


  • Picture
    • Provide tactical situation status pertinent to mission.
    • In fleet call “Fleet, picture as follows, three thrashers orbiting POS”


  • Reset
    • Proceed to a pre-briefed position or area of operation
    • In fleet call “Fleet, FC, reset to Aldrat gate”
  • Resume
    • Resume last formation/station/mission ordered
    • In fleet call “Fleet, FC resume Defensive Gate Camp”
  • Rolex (±time)
    • Time-line adjustment in minutes from planned mission execution time. (Positive is later)
    • In fleet call “Fleet let’s Rolex + 10 minutes for bio and beer”


  • Spike
    • Indication of a threat in Local
  • Splash
    • Target destroyed
  • Status
    • Request for tactical situation
  • Stranger
    • Unidentified traffic that is not associated with the action in progress


  • Trashed
    • Informative call that missile has been defeated
    • In fleet call “Fleet, JoePilot, missiles trashed”
    • Implies target has defensive systems against missiles
  • Tumbleweed
    • Indicates limited situational awareness; no joy, blind; a request for information
    • Reinforcements often call Tumbleweed when arriving but not knowing exactly where needed
    • In fleet call “Fleet, Rescue. Tumbleweed, say location, status.”


  • Unable
    • Cannot comply as requested/directed


  • Warning (color)
    • Hostile attack is
      • RED imminent or in progress
      • YELLOW probable.
      • WHITE improbable (all clear)
  • Weapons ()
    • Fire only;
      • FREE at targets not identified as friendly in accordance with current rules of engagement (ROE)
      • TIGHT at targets positively identified as hostile in accordance with current ROE
      • HOLD in self-defense or in response to a formal order
      • SAFE use weapons safe to avoid confusion with the phrase hold fire
  • Wilco
    • Will comply