Angel Hideout

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Locating & Difficulty

This is a type of hidden combat site that can be scanned down with scanner probes, and can be found in high-security systems around Aldrat. It's gate allows destroyers and below, and seems poorly balanced for them. Work In Progress.

Warning: Possible Scraming

On warp in, you arrive at an acceleration gate.
Gate appears to have destroyer size and below limitation.

First pocket

You'll arrive to a pocket with 3 frigates at approx 50, and soon after 4 more light (frig/desty) will warp in at 60. Another (apparent) timer spawns a medium ship and one more light at 60. I'm unsure whether it's strictly even required to clear this pocket to use the gate, but I assumed so and acted accordingly. There are 49 Veldspar Asteroids in this pocket.

Second pocket

Angel Hideout Pocket 2.jpg

Danger, close. You literally land on 3 mediums and 2 frigates (I believe I actually bumped one of the BCs), and if you're in a frigate or destroyer you're likely to take significant damage if not die imidiately on arrival. 2 other light at 60. After a small amount of time 4 more light warp in, and again after another timer a medium and light warp in. Damaging the Angel Drug Lab (into Armor) appears to trigger a spawn of 4 more light. Destroying the Angel Drug Lab is the trigger for possible escallation Blue Pill. There are 14 Veldspar and 1 Scordite asteroid in this pocket.

Escalation: Blue Pill


Destroying the Angel Drug Lab and any frigates that spawn when it's agressed has a chance to trigger the Blue Pill escalation.

The Blue Pill escalation sends you to at least 4 sites.

At the first, there are seven Angel frigates and a Domination commander frigate. There is also a "Newly constructed acceleration gate". If you use the gate, you arrive in a pocket with a named Angel boss and a couple of Angel destroyers. They are all out of range and warp off as you approach. This gave the escalation.

The next location was the same as the first, except that it contained no faction npc. Again moving through the acceleration gate and watching the npc warp off gave the escalation.

The third location held many more npcs, including a few cruisers. Passing through the acceleration gate and the named boss warped off, but left the bodyguards.

The last location contained a group of frigs and cruisers, which triggered a second wave of npcs, and then the boss.

There seemed to be no ship restrictions on the gates, and the entire escalation was completed easily in a HAC.

See Also Exploration And Exploration Complex Sites