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Class Information

This is the syllabus for the theoretical and practical components of the Pod 101/Pods 101/Pod Craft 101/Pod Survival 101/Pod ??? 101 class. Class notes created by PDP11, ??? and ???.

General Information

Illustration link for class description on the Eve University forum: http://xxx.jpg

Describe the general purpose and objectives of the class, and the intended audience.

  • Duration: xxx minutes/hours [and an additional xxx minutes/hours for the optional practical exercise]
  • Location: Docked up safely in a station [in Aldrat] / Meet at the UNI POS / Other

Class contents:

  • High level class topics
  • Key sections of content
  • Outlined in sequence
  • Q&A

[* Practical exercise]

Student requirements:

[* A suitable ship, of the xxxxx type and fitted for xxxx, for the optional practical exercise]

Additional information: This class is primarily lecture delivered in the Class.E-UNI channel in Mumble, followed by Q&A. [An optional practical exercise follows.]

Notes for the Teacher

Required materials:

  • Class.E-UNI chat channel, to receive questions and post relevant links
  • List any relevant links to teacher's references on the wiki or other resources, if needed
  • Describe any ships, fittings, modules, or tools required to have on hand, if needed

Any particular notes or tips about how to deliver the class go here.

Class Contents


Welcome to this class on Pods!

This course is designed to minimise the number of Eve University pods lost in PvP combat and primarily for pilots to practice the mechanics of saving a Pod from destruction. We will begin with a short review of pods over xxxx minutes or so, then there will be a practical exercise to reinforce the theory.

(Instructor should then introduce himself or herself - covering relevant experience level and background.)

We have a few ground rules for this class:

  • Please put your Mumble settings on "Push to Talk" if you have not already done so.
  • Feel free to type any questions in the Class.E-UNI chat channel as we proceed - I will try to answer your questions as they come during the class. [At the end of my lecture, we'll open Mumble for any further questions or general discussion.]
  • You should be docked up safely in a station [in Aldrat if you intend to participate in the practical exercise].

Everyone ready? OK, then - let's begin....

Pod Loss

  • Outline of key points to cover
  • ISK Cost of a Pod loss
  • Reputation loss
    • Medical Clone upgrade to save your skill points

You have to pay for your Medical Clone to be upgraded or you will lose skill points the next time you are podded. Recommendation is to immediately upgrade you clone when you are podded, especially before you activate or enter another ship. Refer to for a simple introduction to Clones and for more details see

    • Implants

All implants in your active clone are lost. Refer to for an introduction to implants and for more details see

  • Reputation Loss

Main Topic #2

  • Outline of key points to cover
  • Key point
    • Detail point
    • Another detail
  • Final key point

Main Topic #3

  • Outline of key points to cover
  • Key point
    • Detail point
    • Another detail
  • Final key point

Class Wrap-up

  • Thanks for attending this class!
    • I would appreciate any feedback from people on how to improve the class
  • Questions ?

[* Practical exercise: ....]