List of Skill Hardwiring Implants
From EVE University Wiki
Revision as of 09:09, 13 January 2012 by Aenarael thelathos (talk | contribs)
This is a work in process.
1. Add color to Slot and Skill Done
2. Check existence
3. Check descriptions, find a better way of writing them
Slot | Skill | Implant | Description |
6 | ??? | Faction Omega | Boost secondary effects of other faction implants |
6 | Armor | 'Noble' ZET# | Reduce Repair Cycle Duration (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
6 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KLB-# | Decrease CPU Need (-1%/+3%/-5%) |
6 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KMB-# | Increase Ship CPU (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Engineering | 'Squire' CR# | Reduce Capacitor Recharge Time (-1%/-3%-5%) |
6 | Engineering | 'Squire' PG# | Increase Power Grid (PG)(+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Gunnery | 'Lancer' G#-Alpha | Increase Small Energy Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Gunnery | 'Deadeye' ZGS# | Increase Small Hybrid Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' SX-# | Increase Small Projectile Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Missile | 'Gnome' KTA# | Reduce Launcher CPU Needs (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
6 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMT# | Increase Torpedo Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMU# | Increase Cruise Missile Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Navigation | 'Rogue' CY-# | Increase Ship Velocity (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Navigation | 'Rogue' EY-# | Increase Afterburner Duration (+2%/+6%/+10%) |
6 | Navigation | 'Rogue' FY-# | Reduce Warp Drive Operation Capacitor Usage (-2%/-6%/-10%) |
6 | Navigation | 'Rogue' HY-# | Increase Warp Speed (+5%/10%/15%) |
6 | Navigation | 'Rogue' MY-# | Increase Afterburner / MWD Speed (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
6 | Science | 'Prospector' PPF-# | Reduce Maximum Scan Deviation (-2%/-6%/-10%) |
6 | Science | 'Beancounter' I# | Reduce Blueprint Manufacturing Time Research(-1%/-3%/-5%) |
6 | Shield | 'Gnome' KUA# | Reduce Shield Upgrade Power Grid Needs (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Armor | 'Noble' ZET2# | Reduce Capacitor Need for Remote Repair (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KNB-# | Increase Scan Resolution (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Engineering | 'Squire' EE# | Reduce Capacitor Need for Energy Emissions (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Engineering | 'Squire' EP# | Reduce Duration for Energy Pulse Weapons (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Engineering | 'Squire' GU# | Reduce CPU for Energy Grid Upgrades (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' AX-# | Increase Turret Tracking Speed (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Gunnery | 'Lancer' G#-Beta | Reduce Turret Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Gunnery | 'Deadeye' ZGC# | Increase Turret Falloff (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Missile | 'Deadeye' ZMC# | Increase Flight Range (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Missile | 'Deadeye' ZML# | Increase Maximum Velocity (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZME# | Increase Heavy Assault Missile Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMH# | Increase Heavy Missile Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Navigation | 'Rogue' AY-# | Increase Ship Agility (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
7 | Navigation | Zor's Custom Navigation Link | Increase Afterburner Duration (+10%) |
7 | Science | 'Prospector' PPG-# | Reduce Probe Scanning Time (-2%/-6%/-10%) |
7 | Science | 'Beancounter' J# | Reduce Material Efficiency Research Time (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
7 | Shield | 'Gnome' KVA# | Increase Shield Capacity (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Armor | 'Noble' ZET3# | Increase Hull Hit Points (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KPB-# | Increase Targeting Range (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KQB-# | Reduce Propulsion Jamming Modules Capacitor Usage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Engineering | 'Squire' CC# | Increase Capacitor (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Gunnery | 'Lancer' G#-Gamma | Increase Medium Energy Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Gunnery | 'Deadeye' ZGM# | Increase Medium Hybrid Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' MX-# | Increase Medium Projectile Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Industry | 'Alchemist' ZA-# | Reduce Gas Harvester Cycle Time (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
8 | Industry | 'Beancounter' F# | Reduce Manufacturing Time (-1%/-2%/-4%) |
8 | Industry | 'Beancounter' H# | Reduce Refinery Waste (-1%/-2%/-4%) |
8 | Missile | 'Deadeye' ZMA# | Reduce Signature Radius Factor (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
8 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMD# | Increase Defender Missile Velocity (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
8 | Navigation | 'Rogue' DY-# | Reduce Afterburner Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
8 | Science | 'Alchemist' WA-# | Increase Booster Duration (+5%/+10%) |
8 | Science | 'Prospector' PPH-# | Increase Scan Probe Strength (+2%/+6%/+10%) |
8 | Science | 'Beancounter' K# | Reduce Blueprint Copy Time (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
8 | Shield | 'Gnome' KXA# | Reduce Shield Emission Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Armor | 'Noble' ZET4# | Increase Armor Repair Amount (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
9 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KOB-# | Reduce Electronic Warfare Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KRB-# | Reduce Sensor Linking Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KSB-# | Reduce Weapon Disruption Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Electronics | 'Gypsy' KTB-# | Reduce Target Painting Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' CX-# | Increase All Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
9 | Gunnery | 'Lancer' G#-Delta | Increase Turret Rate of Fire (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
9 | Gunnery | 'Deadeye' ZGA# | Increase Turret Optimal Range (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
9 | Missile | 'Deadeye' ZMS# | Reduce Target Velocity Factor (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMN# | Increase Standard Missile Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
9 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMR# | Increase Rockets Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
9 | Navigation | 'Rogue' GY-# | Reduce MWD Capacitor Usage (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
9 | Science | 'Alchemist' YA-# | Reduce Booster Side Effects (-3%/-5%) |
9 | Science | 'Prospector' PPW-1 | Increase Chance of Archaeological find (+5%) |
9 | Science | 'Prospector' PPX-1 | Increase Chance of Data Retrieval (+5%) |
9 | Science | 'Prospector' PPY-1 | Increase Chance of Salvage Retrieval (+5%) |
9 | Shield | 'Gnome' KYA# | Reduce Shield Recharge Time (-1%/-3%-5%) |
10 | Armor | 'Noble' ZET5# | Increase Armor Hit Points (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
10 | Gunnery | 'Lancer' G#-Epsilon | Increase Large Energy Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
10 | Gunnery | 'Deadeye' ZGL# | Increase Large Hybrid Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
10 | Gunnery | 'Gunslinger' LX-# | Increase Large Projectile Turret Damage (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
10 | Gunnery | 'Gnome' KZA# | Reduce Turret CPU Needs (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
10 | Industry | 'Highwall' HX-# | Increase Mining Yield (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
10 | Industry | 'Highwall' HY-# | Reduce Mining Upgrade CPU Needs (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
10 | Industry | 'Yeti' BX-# | Reduce Ice Harvester Cycle Time (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
10 | Leadership | Armored Warfare Mindlink | |
10 | Leadership | Information Warfare Mindlink | |
10 | Leadership | Siege Warfare Mindlink | |
10 | Leadership | Skirmish Warfare Mindlink | |
10 | Leadership | Mining Foreman Mindlink | |
10 | Missile | 'Deadeye' ZMM# | Increase Launcher Rate of Fire (+1%/+3%/+5%) |
10 | Missile | 'Snapshot' ZMF# | Reduce Explosion Radius of F.o.F. Missiles (-1%/-3%/-5%) |
10 | Science | 'Alchemist' XA-# | Reduce Booster Chance of Negative Side Effects (-3%/-5%) |
10 | Science | 'Prospector' PPZ-1 | Reduce Cycle Time of Salvage, Hacking and Archaeology Modules (-5%) |