User:BobbyRush/Old user page

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Revision as of 19:04, 20 May 2013 by BobbyRush (talk | contribs) (Update)
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BobbyRush joined Eve University after many years eeking out a living upsetting mission runners in Motsu, with the hope of rebalancing the amount of world-suck he caused by helping new pilots take their first steps well.

Some things I have done in EvE but are on hiatus:

  • Corporation Management
  • Mining Command & Mining
  • Tech 1 production
  • Datacore farming
  • Ninja salvaging and looting
  • Station Trading & ISK warring
  • Intra- and Inter-regional hauling
  • Killboard trolling
  • Low- & Null-sec exploration site scanning & running
  • Solo, spider, and locust missioning

My current pursuits:

  • Blink
  • ILN SRG Commander-ing
  • Low-sec roaming
  • Teaching classes
  • Attending as many classes as possible
  • Mumble lounge lurking
  • Incursion running
  • Wormhole day tripping

My future interests:

  • Fleet Command
  • Flying shiny ships like Logi, Recons, and Command ships
  • Displacing Azmo and turning the Uni to my own megalomaniacal ends.