Archive Talk:Wartime Standard Operating Procedures

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The rule on fleets is confusing because it includes part of the instruction (adding an advert for the fleet) as part of the annotations, which people won't always look at.


  • Explicitly list the Venture frigate as an at risk mining vessel per Marius Labo's WSOP Clarifications game mail: 'And with regards to the new T1 ORE mining frigate Venture it is considered a mining vessel and therefore a "risk ship".'
  • I'm not aware of a forum thread for discussing changes to wartime policies, so if this is the wrong place for ordinary Unistas to make suggestions, I apologize in advance.
    • I understand the reasoning for most of the wartime ship class prohibitions, but I was under the impression that some experienced Fleet Commanders liked having interceptors in warfleets, especially for rollin safespots. You may want to consider taking Interdictors off the prohibition list.
      • An interceptor is not an interdictor. Interdictor were prohibited as they do not really fit a role in a Uni fleet as we usually do not enter 0.0 and in non-bubble space it is just an extra expensive destroyer. Interceptors are allowed. -- Frood Frooster
    • "Rigs should not be fitted on frigates, destroyers or cruisers." This statement is vague. Depending upon intent, it should be changed to "The University allows, but strongly recommends against, fitting rigs to frigates, destroyers, or cruisers" or "Rigs are prohibited on frigates, destroyers, and cruisers".
      • "Trading while docked in a station, however moving items is prohibited." should be clarified to "Station Trading (that is, trading that does not require you to undock) is allowed. Using your University character to move items from one station to another is prohibited."
    • "Dropping from E-UNI during the war - there are no penalties this." <-- Change to "Dropping from E-UNI during the war and rejoining the University after the war is over - there are no penalties for this." --Seamus donohue 07:17, 3 February 2010 (UTC)
  • Explicitly add Orca to one of the ship categories? Yes, it's common sense, but I'm sure a rules lawyer would never try and argue that it wasn't technically in one of the categories... Heck, might as well add "Industrial Command Ship" to the Capital category, just in case someone has a Rorqual? Smoogle 04:14, 15 August 2010 (UTC)
  • Add information about the restricted areas pilots are not supposed to travel through or go to during war, specifically trade hubs that are referenced in the Eve-mail that Kelduum sends out at the beginning of most wars for those members who join mid wars or when an eve-mail does not go out. -- StrydeTaz
  • "...war-target loot placed into the "Ivy League Navy" Hangar at the PTS or CBT stations in Aldrat." This is very confusing for new pilots, I had to ask several times where to place the war loot until someone finally explained how that particular hangar works. Some hint at this point would probably help a lot, like: "You won't have any access to this hanger, neither can you see anything what is in there. You can only drop the loot on that tab and receive a warning that you are not able to retrieve items dropped in that hangar. Do it anyway...

Default SOP

Suggestions for revisions for PI:

3. Missions, Ratting, Complexes, Exploration sites, deploying PI Command Centres, moving industrial products are prohibited in k-space.[3]

Non-Fleet Activities

Hey guys:

Take a second, and read bullet 3 and bullet 4 of Non-Fleet activites. I can easily see bullet 4 sounding like "Its ok to fly a cruiser or up, as long as I use warp core stabs." I don't think this was the intent of the bulletpoint....

LJ Chimera


 "1. Remember that no communication channels are ever 100% secure, so ensure that all information on
targets or fleet composition is limited to Corp and Alliance channels. Remember to mention the
formation of the fleet in the private Chat.E-UNI channel for any members who are logged in on alts."

Perhaps another clause could be added to the final sentence to emphasise that while the existence of a fleet can be mentioned in chat.e-uni, the destination/composition/departure time etc. should not be. The issue caused some confusion in chat.e-uni today, 25/07/10


- From a Command.ILN conversation on 29 November 2010, Kyrlin clarified that the only channels to discuss disposition of UNI or enemy forces is in Fleet Chat or Teamspeak. Announcing formations of fleet in Chat.E-UNI during wartime might be a security hole. Suggest clarification. - Dimitri Grishenko 30/11/10


"Scouting is the act of moving ahead of a fleet, providing intel as to the state of the next
location, or following the fleet one jumb behind, to identify any pursuing targets. Scouts must
fly a T2 Covert Ops Frigate with a Covert Ops Cloak only. Stealth bombers are not to be used as
scouts. Scouts must be attached to a fleet at all time - scouting solo is pointless - and scouts
do not engage in combat at any time, maintaining their cloak at all times. Because they should
never be visible, experienced scouts flying the relevant ship may use a Faction probe launcher
at their discretion."

- From a Command.ILN conversation on 30 November 2010, Kyrlin clarified that pilots may not be in space in a covops without a fleet, as doing so looks like you (the covops pilot) are running exploration sites and will get you removed from the uni for a breach of W(artime)SOP. Suggest edit to the language of the Wartime SOP to reflect this. - Dimitri Grishenko 30/11/10

- Based on the thread regarding the Privateer War at, it is suggested that Faction probe launchers not be used. Consider clarifying. - Dimitri Grishenko 30/11/10

ILN BG2 Wiki Updates

  • This page has been worked on as part of the ILN BG2 Wiki Updates Project --Miranda Glade 12:59, 25 September 2010 (UTC)


Minor typo to correct. "Scouting is the act of moving ahead of a fleet, providing intel as to the state of the next location, or following the fleet one jumb behind, to identify any pursuing targets." It should be "jump" not "jumb". -Silvonus

...Mining Ships

This is any ship which has a bonusses related to mining, barring the cruiser class[17], such as:

Should be bonuses, word as-is is a German genitive singular form. Or a typo... --Hong Hu

List Format


...every chance we get, while still meeting the University's educational goals by teaching students how to fight hisec wars. To that end, the SOP is intended to:

  • Deny the enemy easy kills of helpless non-combat ships.
  • Deny the enemy easy kills of poorly-fitted ships.
  • Deny the enemy any kills of high-value ships that will look good on his killboard.
  • Deny the enemy any chance to banter or smack talk with us.
  • Deny the enemy any enjoyment from the conflict.

Suggestion/Change to

Deny the Enemy...

  • ...easy kills of helpless non-combat ships.
  • ...easy kills of poorly-fitted ships.
  • ...any kills of high-value ships that will look good on their killboard.
  • ...any chance to banter or smack talk with us.
  • ...any enjoyment from the conflict.

Removes redundant sentence start and draws attention to the key point. Improves reading flow and clarity. --Hong Hu



Travelling is moving with no cargo (opposed to hauling) and is only[3] allowed in 'Fast Frigate' class ships, Shuttles and Starter Frigates[4]. There is no requirement that you must travel toward HQ.

For clarity maybe preface "Fast Frigates" as "T1 Fast Frigates" so as to help those who might assume T2 interceptors and AF's are included and not actually check the 'Fast Frigate' page.

--Hong Hu

Minor corrections

"...Mining Ships

This is any ship which has a bonusses related to mining, barring the cruiser class[17], such as:"

should read "These are ships that have" and either "a bonus related to mining" or "bonuses related to mining".

Similar issues exist with "...Haulers", "...rare or unique ships" and " ships".

<half-joking>Hmmm... can I just be the grammar pedant / proofreader?</half-joking>

at least two requirements for WH fleets?

Article says:

" Wormhole Operations You may run combat sites in wormholes during wartime[52]. All the other guidelines still apply however, so fleets should be combat fitted and have at least two E-UNI members. A cloaked scout (either covert ops or picket) should stay at the exit to known-space[53]."

Since that rule fell, can it be removed here as well ( WSOP writing style and consistency keeps being confusing )