Twitch Integration

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The UniWiki's software has been successfully upgraded on the 2024-06-22. If you notice any issues, please tell us about them using Wiki Communication Channels.
Wiki Manager, Arin Mara

Twitch Background

On Tuesday, December 10, Integration was deployed as part of Rubicon 1.0.8. CCP Dev Blog article is located here.

Streaming is a way of broadcasting media of your choosing (anything from EVE Online to your favorite political protest) live via the magic of the internet to as many viewers as you can attract to your channel. Game streaming has been growing rapidly in popularity over the last few years as people get their hands on better hardware and streaming services like Twitch keep improving. If you aren’t familiar with specifically, it’s a web-based streaming service focused exclusively on games. At any time of day there are more than 100,000 people watching other people play games on Twitch and there are hundreds of people streaming. By integrating an SDK created by into EVE, you can now completely bypass 3rd party software and stream directly from the EVE client.

Steps for Streaming

1. Go to and create an account:


2. Load up EVE and then look under the "social" tab in the root of the Neocom and you should notice a new "Twitch Streaming" option. It looks like this (it is recommended dragging it into the Neocom bar because the Neocom icon lets you know when your stream is active at all times):


3. When you open the Twitch Streaming window you will see a set of options that looks like this:


4. Enter your Twitch login info and set up some basic streaming options including a title, resolution and frame rate, and then with the push of one button your stream will be active and viewable on at your default page which will be (Note: Your EVE Client window will resize to the resolution you specified in the settings):


That's it! An example stream will look like this:


External Links

CCP Dev Blog Eve Online Twitch Integration Post

Twitch EVE Online Page

CCP Twitch Page