User:Iavatus/Workbench 2

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Incursions 102

So, incursions 102.

[Class] Incursions 102

When: Friday 21st, 0800 Evetime Where: Class.E-Uni, Mumble, Aldrat Duration of 1 hour + 1/2 hour for prac What we'll be covering:

A quick recap of Incursions 101 - what we do, what we fly, how we do what to who and why

High end pve, make much ISK. Nomadic, in certain constellations and they change every few days. Some in low, high and null. We do high, cause we're not suicidal. Get yer pvp off mah pve. Requires battleship with t2 tank, or basi/scimi (caldari/minmatar cruiser V, logi IV, supports) min.

The more specialized roles in Incursions - VGs, Assaults and HQs

First and most numerous role in incursions, is damage dealer. DD. Requires either T3 (loki or legion. Proteus a little trickier. Tengu makes for a bit of a sadface. Missiles aren't crash-hot, especially in VGs) or battleship. Main job is to enter the site with defensive mods on, lock and shoot. Often in a specific order (niarja romi deltole for some sites), as some ships are high priority. DD skills and mods, are dps skills, tank skills and cap skills, ewar mods (webs, painters). Pilot skills include ability to broadcast for shields and in position, to shoot in tagged order AND know what the next wave holds. Experienced dd will preload long or short range ammo, depending on the site.

It should go without saying, that what the FC says, goes. They've stepped up to a tricky role, which requires a lot of management and multitasking. Making life difficult for them makes nobody happy.

    • Link some low end fits. Talk about the usefulness of target painters and webs to the fleet **

Second role, and simply essential for any fleet, is logi. Scimi/basi (we fly shield fleets). Main role, is to provide reps. Logi does this, by having everyone locked up and using a combination of the broadcast window (remember broadcasting?), the lock list, incoming warp and web notifications and experience. Once it's apparent which lucky fellow is getting aggro, logi clicks his lock, drops two reps and monitors. On most sites, 2 reps each from 2 logi is sufficient. With a heavy wave, or light tank, we will put more reppers on, but logi getting aggro isn't a good thing. It introduces a degree of risk, but is easily manageable. Logi skills are t2 reppers, cap skills, tank skills and tracking links to increase fleetmates range or tracking. Pilot duties are to provide reps to prevent a pretty splosion, monitor fleet health ,sort out links with other logi and drop ore in the can (VG site, NMC). Experienced logi are in a good position to monitor fleet composition, health and anyone wandering away from the fleet. In HQs, this is far more useful.

  • link logi fits*

So. Those are the two main roles. There's are subsets of these, and we'll talk about them at the end (sniper dps, ct basi.... gotta be more). But, now you've chosen the vanilla role, we'll talk about what new roles you can do once you've got a bit of experience.

Scout/hack and pickets. Now, these make the fleet go much, much smoother. A picket is useful in wartime, a scout at all times.

Picket - This is an easy low skill role, but boring and requires a lot of focus. Simply, they sit in a cloaky frigate at one of the chokepoints to the running system and make sure to give the fleet notice of incoming war targets. That's .... pretty much it.

    • link a cloaky frig**

Scout/hack - This requires a little more skill and practice, but a great one for a new pilot to earn ISK to get into an incursion boat. The job is to bounce between the various beacons in the running system, take note of what fleets are running and thus what site the fleet can warp to next, savign a great deal of time (especially with big, fat, slow, torpid battleships. I'm looking at you, vindicator). Also, on an Override Transfer Array (OTA), the hacker comes into the site after the eysturs have spawned, hacks a can (doesn't require the hacking minigame, simply the hacking modules and cycling). This deactivates the Sansha tower repping, which greatly speeds the site. Because of this, OTAs are a prized site as they can be run very quickly.

    • link a scout frig**

Now, the next few roles can be done by anyone, with a minimal input of skill points.


This requires knowing what ships to be shot first, being able to press buttons like 1 2 3 4, and leadership V. But everyone has leadership V, right? Weeklong skill, but makes the FC's life so much easier, with a surplus of SC capable peeps. Anyone more then 3 months old has little excuse to not have it.

    • More information, some research **

Waitlist manager

This requires being able to read, a degree of knowledge of ships and how much tank is necessary, and being able to communicate with an incoming pilot when and where to join the fleet.

  • Probably more info, but really, that is all there is to it*

Drone bunny

This requires a fast locking ship, preferrably with webs or target painter. The role is to lock the frigates, use either a gun or aggressive mods to get the drone ball to take them down. T3's are perfect for this.

  • post fits. Needs more info*


The Fried Chip. The Fail Concentrate. The Fat Controller! Or Fleet Commander. Now, this does require a degree more pilot skill, experience and knowledge.

You need to know the various ships quite well, as that can limit what sites you run (all blaster boats will not have a fun time in an ****THE ONE WITH A MARA. OTA?***).

You need to know the sites quite well, to make sure that your fleet has enough people and enough firepower AND enough logi to deal with it. In a VG, this is fairly easy but a HQ fleet involves 40 people. Going into a NRF with 3 logi, one of whom is AFK, is gonna be messy.

You need to be able to coordinate several different tasks - dealing damage yourself, assigning roles to other pilots, coordinating with the scout for the next site, coordinating with fleet boss/waitlist manager on leaving pilots and getting replacements.

Finally, you need to delegate. There are some FCs who can and do run several roles themselves, and props to them. But, we are a learning institute, and it's to all our benefits to train up new pilots constantly. Incursions, especially VGs, are great places for a new pilot to get used to running in a pvp fleet, or in a rougher incursion community, or even in another corp!

Those are the roles we use in VGs. Assaults and HQs require some more, but a little more specialized.

Ship progression.

So, you've been flying your rokh for 2 months now. Fat ISK roll? Time to upgrade

Pilot improvement - learning your role, where you stand. Also, clearly communicate.

Tips and tricks. Reading material. Bit of thinking and practice.

What to expect in the 3 encounter levels - aproppriate tank for vgs/Assaults/HQs

Incursioning in war time

how to stay safe, how to move between sites.

Incursioning in solitude

Discussion of ships, tank and fittings


An optional half hour prac will follow. A cruiser/bc/bs will be required, roles will be assigned. This will be a dry run of how to run an incursion, including broadcasting, shooting at tags and following FC commands.