User:Brohn orlenard

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Topic Concepts

How not to lose your Drones or "Hey...forget something?" This is going to be a helpful and humorous look at learning to use -- and keep, drones.

The Newbies Guide to Mining During Wartime is till in rough draft...


Brohn has no idea what he wants to do. A Gallente dreamer who is happy mining while listening to something called freedom rock, yet he is unsettled. Afraid to throw away his hard earned ISK on ships he joined EVE Uni to get a leg up on knowledge and discovered a whole other world of potential. He trains. And he trains. And he trains some more until he comes to realize he cannot do everything. Trade is exciting, Industry a must and not to mention flying covert ops or assault frigates....augh...wait...the wormohoes, nullsec, so much to do...

And so begins the decision...

To spawn alt sisters or brethren? (which will surely become a further economic burden)...or to be happy to specialize as a lone wolf forever more, allowing the shear burden of time itself the luxury of supplying my interests varietal needs...

Brohn stands at the crossroads...