Electronic Countermeasures

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ECM Guide

This guide will help you start out your Electronic Warfare career with a specific focus on ECM (Electronic Counter Measure (a.k.a Jamming)) and using it effectively.

What is ECM?

ECM stands for Electronic Counter Measure and is also often referred to as Jamming. ECM modules allow you to cause a targeted ship to drop its target and lose its ability to target anything for 20 seconds (or longer). During combat this means the affected ship cannot shoot you or any of your fleet mates unless he/she is using Smart bombs or other area effect weapons. ECM is generally regarded as the most effective Electronic Warfare technique.

Who should use ECM?

ECM is the preferred EWAR technique for pilots training in Caldari ships.

There are 3 Caldari ships which give specific bonuses to ECM:

  • Griffin (Caldari frigate): Caldari Frigate Skill Bonus
    • 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
    • 10% bonus to ECM Target Jammers' capacitor need per level.
  • Blackbird (Caldari cruiser): Caldari Cruiser Skill Bonus
    • 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
    • 10% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal range and falloff per level.
  • Scorpion (Caldari battleship): Caldari Battleship Skill Bonus
    • 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength per level
    • 20% bonus to ECM Target Jammer optimal and falloff range per level
    • 20% Bonus to ECM Burst Range per level

ECM Modules

There are 3 main types of ECM modules:

  • ECM Multispectral Jammers - These module are reasonable effective on all targets with a high capacitor cost
  • ECM Racial Jammers - These modules are effective against a single race of ships. They have a longer range and lower capacitor cost than multispectral jammer modules.
  • ECM Burst Jammers - These modules will cause all ships within a certain range of your ship to be jammed. You do not need to be targeting anyone to use a Burst module. Burst modules consume a high amount of capacitor and are generally only used on Battleships.

It is a tough decision to choose between having many multispectrals or a variety of race specific jammers. If you know the type of fight you are heading towards you can make a tactical decision (or the fleet commander might make this decision before you head out).

  • If you plan on entering fights which a variety of ships then you should fit Racial jammers. This will allow the ECM pilot to target a few ships and have a high chance of locking them down.
  • If you plan on fighting individuals (small fights) then ECM will be more affective with Multispectral jammers since they could activate more than one on the single targets and have a higher chance of locking them down.
  • If you plan on fighting a known individual you can have your pilots fit multiple jammers which match the type of your target.

Using your ECM Modules

The race specific modules are not named such that it's obvious what race of ships it is effective against. I have compiled a series of images to help you make a quick decision when in the heat of battle. Remember that each race of ship has the same colour background.

Your Target Ship Which Racial Jammer to use
File:Amarr Ship Colour.jpg File:Amarr Jammer Colour.jpg
File:Caldari Ship Colour.jpg File:Caldari Jammer Colour.jpg
File:Gallente Ship Colour.jpg File:Gallente Jammer Colour.jpg
File:Minmatar Ship Colour.jpg File:Minmatar Jammer Colour.jpg